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What would you do if tomorrow you woke up as a 10 year old and your entire life after 10 years old has just been a dream?

  1. Honestly I think I'd have some good perspective to live my life better moving forward.
    — n33co

  2. Forget the dream in 0.005 seconds and make the same mistakes
    — mhaydar

  3. I would be incredibly relieved, and hopefully have learned from my mistakes - so as not to make them again. I’d love to be able to see relatives, pets, and friends who are no longer around anymore.
    — uoom

  4. Cry. Write down all the best choices I made in the dream, change my life around sooner.
    — WhatInTarnationing

  5. Take advantage of the time I would get back. I'd learn everything I wanted to know, I'd try my hardest in school and practice my hobbies religiously instead of wasting time 'being bored', as I often did when I was a kid. I would teach myself all the skills that I want to learn now but lack time for. Mostly, I think I would enjoy life and do my best to cherish the time I get with friends and family.
    — ownsell

  6. Go to school and kick ass. Basically just act as I would now and love every second of it
    — poopmuskets

  7. With my current personality ? Go to school and cause all kinds of trouble. I was a meek kid, but now I am not. It's strange what 20 years does to you.
    — mochi_chan

  8. I'd be really fucking happy. Wouldn't have a broken family and none of the stresses of adult life! I'd also be able to do things that I regret I didn't do. Plus I'd be like a child prodigy. It's like win/win/win for me
    — JaDinklageMorgoone

  9. Hopefully I’ll retain a matured understanding of everything that happened, so I could use it as a guide to relive my life in a more successful way. If not, I’ll probably say “That was weird” then go eat pizza rolls or something.
    — 80PercentAshamedOfU

  10. "And Donald Trump was the president and..." Mom: "You need to quit eating before you go to bed."
    — ndcapital

  11. I'd be super pissed. My son is the light of my life and I wouldn't know how to make sure I would have him again
    — plcwork

  12. Yeah, Nah, fuck that. I'll just neck meself, thanks.
    — Zentopian

  13. Start mowing lawns and saving all my christmas money to buy as much amazon stock I can as soon as its available.
    — duffypoo

  14. I have never wanted a hypothetical Reddit question to come true as fervently as this one.
    — oneuponzero

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