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When did you officially stop giving a fuck?

  1. After my Mother died of stage 4 lung cancer. People would be amazed at how tiny everyday life issues become in comparison to this emotional behemoth.
    — squeeeeenis

  2. I was 6 and my next door neighbors kid (8) attempted to drown me and was saved by my mom. Kid wasn’t punished in any capacity and then stole and destroyed my driveable Jeep toy. There’s no justice in this world.
    — Degg19

  3. Wife got sick, eventually passed away. Before she died, we were stressing every penny and dealing with her symptoms, dealing with insurance, dealing with the government, dealing with hospitals and doctors... it was too much. I stopped caring about anything but solving our most urgent, most immediate problem and then re-prioritizing the rest of the problems before tackling the next one up. After she passed, every-day run-of-the-mill bullshit "problems" didn't seem to carry the same urgency for me. Repercussions don't seem all that daunting anymore. Matter of fact, there isn't a whole lot that registers with me anymore as Real Problems because I've stared down the barrel and ran slap out of Ducks & Dodges. I don't blink anymore when life's metaphorical hammer drops and it's only an empty Click. One day it will be a metaphorical BANG instead, but it won't matter to me. I'll deal with it if it doesn't kill me, and it's no longer my problem if it does. In the meantime, I'm living as well as I can. I truly have no right to complain anymore.
    — Darth_Corleone

  4. I was 14, father was beating the shit out of me everyday for as long as I could remember. He was beating me, berating me everyday. Visible bruises everywhere. A teacher, guidance counselor, and the school nurse made me strip to my underwear so they could see all the bruises. They called my father and we had a sit down at the school. "We think you shouldn't hit him so hard. You're leaving bruises where people can see, we'll have to call the police if this continues." They let him take me home at eleven am and he proceeded to beat me for three hours until my brothers got home and he told them to not go in my room or get the same punishment. I didn't go to school for the rest of the week. It was five days of belts and bats and fishing poles being smacked across my body. Razor blade nicks on my throat from d3ath threats. Hand prints on my throat from being held against the wall until I passed out. Both of my eyes were bloodshot and swollen from being punched. My grandfather came over and saw me, he didn't do anything. My step mom didn't stop him. My teachers at school didn't do anything. The guidance counselor and the nurse cried and told me she couldn't do anything. The principle told me to toughen up and be a man. I realized no one was ever going to help me. I was alone in a vicious world. Why should I give a fuck about anyone but myself. I can only save myself and keep myself safe. Thanks Dad.
    — DudeinPurple

  5. After my 6 year old son died in my arms. It changes you, profoundly.
    — PLTuck

  6. When I realized giving a fuck took way more effort than it was worth.
    — Panda-Monium13

  7. When I realized that im around myself 100% of the time, so I better stop fussing over what other people think and actually put effort into learning to like myself. There's no point in killing yourself to please someone you only see 10% of the time, fuck 'em. Put your energy into people who actually matter.
    — faithfullynotyours

  8. When I realized that what other people thought of me didn't matter in the slightest. Life seems much better when you stop trying to change yourself to please others.
    — vld-s

  9. The first time I heard the glorious words that would become my beacon of light for several years "minimum wage, minimum effort"
    — RevanchistAmerican

  10. When i tried to be a real friend to people, and found that even after opening up about myself, they didn't seem to really care about how I was doing, I only seemed to matter when i was convenient to them or they had no kne else to talk to. When they found someone else, they barely talked to me again.
    — [deleted]

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