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What was your most memorable ass whopping you got from your parents and why did it happen?

  1. Back in 1992, when I was 10 years old, I cut all the flowers off a plant as part of a sword-fighting game I had made up - little realising that the plant belonged to my Grandma, was tended by my Grandpa up until his death in 1988, and only flowered once every 6-8 years; I had cut all the flowers off its first flowering since before his death. My Dad was so angry that he beat me with the stick I'd used as a sword, while my Grandma and my Mum cried in the next room begging him to stop. My Dad later told me - like two decades later - that he regretted it. I explained that I just didn't realise about the plant. And we've always been close, even despite this incident.
    — fleastyler

  2. My mom throw me out of the house for the day, and gave me a hambone to eat..... all because I refused to clean up my older brother's room.
    — ooo-ooo-oooyea

  3. Got beat by my dad after child services were called by the school because i went in with marks around my neck after my dad strangled me.
    — bertnod

  4. My mother was ignoring me. Three or four year old me found this unacceptable and, after trying to interupt her conversation for several minutes, I bit her on the ass. Hard. That certainly got her attention. She spun around and slapped me across the room. Probably more instinct than intentional, as I was rarely physically punished as a kid. Looking back, I don't particularly blame her for that reaction.
    — Faiths_got_fangs

  5. One time I didn't go to the bathroom before leaving for church, I was about 8 years old. Sure enough, halfway through I had to go pee really bad. I held it for as long as I could, but I was on the brink of pissing myself so I told my mom. She hissed at me and told me I should have gone before we left. Well as luck would have it I obviously peed myself during the service. My mom waited until church was over, obviously seething that I peed myself (what did she expect?) And when we got home she took me to the bathroom and beat the shit out of me. Mostly spanks, but it was traumatic. My brother found me later on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out and got me a change of fresh clothes. Later she served some nasty ass food and I ate every last bite, terrified. During this she was on the phone bragging to her friend about how terrific beating your kid is because usually I was a picky eater and now I had ate everything on my plate. Edit: I got off easy enough though, one of my brothers was beat Passion of the Christ style with a whip when he put rocks in a vehciles gas tank. Another one of my brothers was taught to stop using diapers by grabbing a shit filled diaper and smearing it on his face.
    — Digital_Wah

  6. In the 60s, my dad was pretty brutal with me (none of my other sibling got the same treatment). One time he beat me so bad with a belt then a 2x4 after he broke the belt. He kept hitting me even after I crawled into the corner of the room and got to where I couldn't breath. I thought he was trying to kill me. I had to go to school the next day with all the welts and bruises on my face and arms. Edit: I don't remember what I did to make him crazy like that.
    — adanipse

  7. To make this thread a little better, my dad was really drunk one night and i don't remember what I did, but i was crying with my hands against the window as my dad was getting ready to beat me with a belt. My mom came in the room with a shotgun and told my dad if he hit me she would shoot him. I'm paraphrasing, but thanks mom
    — Alldawaytoswiffty

  8. Reading all these makes me realise i had very tolerant parents
    — thegingerwan

  9. My dad once hauled off and punched me in the stomach because I was being too hyper. The resulting stomachache kept me calm for the rest of the day.
    — Kelekona

  10. In a diner and acting up. Mom threatened to whoop me. Two highway patrol were at the next table. Told my mom she wouldn't do anything with them here. One leaned over and said "Go ahead we don't mind". My ass is still red 32 years later.
    — dringram82

  11. My mother held me down and punched the shit out of me on christmas eve. I don't remember why. I went to bed crying that night. It is my first memory of Christmas and my first memory of my mother.
    — Lady_Otaku

  12. I was 12. I terrorized the old lady across the road by riding over her garden on my bike and then when she told me off I wrote a threatening note to her. Of course she told my Dad. He took me out the back and gave me a belting - with his belt. He was holding onto me with one hand while I leapt all around and he wailed on me. I was black and blue , pissed myself and was covered in snot and tears. Then he sent me to apologize as I was. I ended up having a wonderful relationship with the old lady. We used to take long walks on the beach and talk,play cards and drink tea. When I went away to Uni I used to visit her when I was back in town for holidays. She died when I was 22. Apart from a few cuffs around the ear that was the only hiding I ever got from my dad. Never was one so well deserved. I have to say even at nearly 60 I am very polite to old ladies to this day.
    — Kiwi_bri

  13. Got whipped with a tree branch for running away from an abusive household.
    — brew7420

  14. Dad chased me up the stairs with a broom and I hid in the closet. He actually stuck the broom through the door trying to get me. I used to be horrible to my mom and I’m sure I was being mouthy at the time. Worse because my dad was never the enforcer. When he got mad you knew it was bad!
    — an_angry_lady

  15. I called my mom a witch because she wouldn’t give me my allowance. She slapped me across the face. I was probably eight. I jokingly brought it up a few decades or so later. She told me that they were house poor at the time. She just didn’t the money to give me.
    — Ohsoeasy

  16. My dad called me a stupid bitch because I had spilt a bit of coffee when I was walking around the kitchen. I got offended and started to point my finger at him, preparing to snap at him, but decided to bite my tongue because it wasnt worth the argument. Buttt... my dad had thought I flipped him off, and he charged at me (may I add, he is a 250lb bodybuilder) and I freak out and run towards my mom. He grabbed me by the hair, and I went down and he kept pulling my hair, and dragging me while my mom just stood there. He started to kick me in my stomach and finally she stepped in. I laid on the floor, sobbing and confused and my mom said something about how I need to take initiative for my actions? I didn't speak to him for a year after that incident. I just always found it ironic how it happened.
    — ermergerdwhy

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