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What made you realize you have horrible friends?

  1. They didn't want me to succeed and would become secretly happy whenever I failed at something.
    — BigBof

  2. Seeing their name appear on your phone puts the fear of god in your heart.

  3. When they got jealous of the 'attention' I/my daughter got when she ended up in intensive care. They got petty because the focus was off them, so they started to write facebook posts that scream "PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME I AM IMPORTANT TOO"
    — Roma5515

  4. Gave up drinking...lost all but 2
    — Mcompledepayas

  5. When they agreed to wait for me to get off work and meet them at college (where they were taking summer session) before driving to another state to celebrate my and another friend's 21st birthdays which were a day apart. Instead, when I called before driving an hour to make sure they were ready, it turns out they'd ditched me and were already up there (a four hour drive from school). I bought a sandwich and a beer and went home and watched tv by myself.
    — auntiepink

  6. Got accepted into a PhD program in 2009 when, due to the economic recession, hardly anyone was getting into grad programs anywhere. I announced it on Facebook and got a whole string of congratulatory messages followed by one from a particular friend about how grad programs are just pyramid schemes and I was an idiot if I thought I would ever be successful in academia. That guy had always been kind of a jerk but to see his shitty response in contrast to everyone else being happy for me really woke me up to just how toxic he was. I cut him out of my life not long after. I'm also a full time college professor now.
    — schnit123

  7. After I graduated high school and looked back realizing that a good half of my "friends" never wanted to just hang out with me. I only got invited to hang out if it was a birthday party where gifts were involved, or helping study for a test or something. I even suggested going to a local comic convention once because I thought it would be awesome. I didn't even know the group was actually going until the day they were leaving, even though they had worked on making costumes together for weeks. I'm much better at realizing when people actually want to be with me or just want things from me now.
    — lol_unicorns

  8. When they yelled at me for inviting a girl I knew to our house party in college. They hated her, apparently, and when I asked the reason: She's always flaunting her chest, showing off her big boobs, and just thought she was a wild person. First of all, girl had like triple Fs- they were huge and there's no way to cover it up when wearing just a plain t-shirt, it's not like they were falling out. Second, they had only met her in passing a couple times, so they had made up the fact that she was "wild". Third, I lived in that fucking house and threw my money down to help host the party, so I can invite whoever the fuck I want to; if they didn't like her, they could have gone and talked to the literal 70-something people that showed up. They were the type of girls that wanted to be the Queen Bee of their high school, and were now trying to do that in college. College is different, bitches, there isn't a 'Queen Bee' so if I get sick of your bullshit, I can go find friends amongst the 15k students at my University. After that year in the house, I started putting serious distance between myself and them, which made them all irate. Two of the girls messaged every single person on my facebook to inform them that I "was a dirty slut who had herpes and VD". Pretty much everyone messaged me with screenshots, didn't believe them, and then thought these people that they barely even know are bratty children. I told them the truth- I was extracting myself from the friend group and they were angry about it. I made a ton more friends by that because those that did know them responded to me with an invite to do something because "Oh good, you aren't friends with them anymore? They're all assholes. Want to go to a party Friday?".
    — Beachy5313

  9. When you constantly invite them to hang out and they "don't have the time" only to discover that your friends have been hanging out with each other the entire time.

  10. When he set my cat on fire
    — natihorny

  11. When they are never there for me when I call them but I am always there for them. Also, when I'm last second invited to shit. I understand though, I'm not as "fun" because I don't like to get wasted or do cocaine.
    — Arcanehavok

  12. #The Story of Why I Am No Longer Friends with my High School Best Friend: An Abbreviated Version. She had borrowed a ton of my belongings over a few years, including some expensive electronics. I texted her to ask for everything back after she tried to give a heroin addict my dad's car. She said no, she was going to sell everything so she could buy her junkie buddy a beater car. I said I'd be over with a police escort to collect my things. She threatened to have her brother kill me and my entire family if I showed up with the police. I called the police. She was arrested for making death threats. We aren't friends anymore.
    — ostentia

  13. When he asked me to pay him back his 3€ that he gave me to get some gas (it was in Europe and had a very small car). We were in high school at the time, and I’d pick him up almost every morning to go to school. And he asked for that money in front of everybody, like I was some kinda thief or liar. I was shocked. That doesn’t make him horrible though, only stupid
    — lokmanmn

  14. One girl from my high school went to the same university I did. We weren't really friends -- we ran in different circles and barely knew each other -- but she was very much the *popular girl* at school, and all of a sudden she was without her little clique and I think she felt a little surprised that her high school popularity didn't really transfer to university, where a lot of people seemed to recognise that she was toxic. I actually managed to make some pretty good friends in the first couple of months, and suddenly this girl decided that she'd be Best Pals with me and get in with my group, like we'd been friends for years. The short version: over the course of about six months, she managed to convince my friends that I wasn't worth being friends with and that I'd done some terrible shit when I was in high school (a blatant lie; I wasn't really popular enough to do *any* kind of shit in high school). By the end of the first year they'd decided that they didn't want to live with me, so I entered my second year pretty much without friends, with no firm place to live and having to start afresh with all these rumours about me floating around. It was some real *Mean Girls* bullshit, and I started to see that all of the 'friends' I'd made were a little *too* willing to engage in that sort of gossip as long as they weren't the bottom of the pecking order. As soon as the opportunity arose to boost their own standing by taking it out on someone they perceived to be 'weaker', they were all over it. In a happier coda: I had a miserable second year and then made a much nicer group of friends who I'm still super close to today, so fuck 'em.
    — Portarossa

  15. two seperate people: 1) was finally losing weight after being obese for years and it taking a toll on my health. A day after I told her I was dieting, she came over and surprised me with a cake and got really upset and angry when I politely declined. she stopped talking to me once i was visibly getting thinner. I found out from her boyfriend later on that it was because she was "the hot one" out of us. 2) i was dumped by my partner of almost 10 years, and was absolutely heartbroken. i told her in tears and sobbing, and she just nonchalantly told me how she wasnt surprised because she "knew it was coming" despite never having mentioned it to me at all. Then told me how happy she is with her fiancè, and that the thought of being alone must be so terrifying for me.
    — muddykins

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