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People who use bing. Why?

  1. Porn and Image searches. If you're looking for an image that's not porn Google will often show you image links to places like tumblr or pintrest instead of an actual source image and then when you try to view the image you're taken to a crappy website you have to log into only to find out that the image you're looking for isn't there anymore. Fuck all that, just bing image search it instead.
    — Azozel

  2. Bing Rewards... Something like 3 months of doing the daily challenges (which usually take less than 5 minutes) provides points which I can exchange for a year worth of Xbox Live Gold, among other things.
    — Baffled-Badger

  3. Google images took away the "view image" button.
    — DrDoomsIronNuts

  4. Likely Answers: Porn
    — DaraghJohn

  5. I saw this hot lady tell an Asian dude on one of those CSI shows to "just Bing it", and then there was a close-up of his Microsoft phone. The product placement was so fantastic that I was instantly hooked!
    — no_pebbles

  6. Bing has an incredible video search engine. If you're looking for a particular episode of a TV show, or a 30 minute clip of a particular porn star you like, Bing is the shit.
    — platyviolence

  7. Bing rewards. You cane get a lot of cool/good stuff just by using bing as a search engine
    — The_cig_nig

  8. Because Xbox doesn’t have chrome, and I wanna jerkoff on a big screen.
    — cyainanotherlifebro

  9. Rewards points, bitches! I've currently got enough points for $30 in Amazon gift cards (or Chipotle, if I get hungry.) I've probably earned about $150 worth of Amazon GCs in my time using Bing so far. Sure, it's only $150...but it's $150 more than Google has ever given me.
    — iwouldrun500miles

  10. People hate on Bing but it works and it works well. I started using it more after I realised that every search I ever made before was being saved on my gmail.
    — FreyBentos

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