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What lies did your parents tell you that you believed and how did you find out that it was a lie?

  1. I wanted to be a dentist growing up. My parents told me, if I got a cavity, I could not become a dentist. Got one, small, minute cavity on an upper molar (#14 Occlusal decay for the dental nerds) and I cried the entire time. When the dentist filed the tooth, he explained that all dentists have problems with their teeth and to not worry.
    — Macabalony

  2. The ice cream truck was just a truck that played music for kids in my neighborhood.
    — VXMerlinXV

  3. My mother always said ladies didn’t fart. I found out that was a lie when she farted in front of me. My 5 year old brain almost exploded. It wasn’t possible!
    — TrevionTX

  4. That I'd been so good I could have the weekend off school. I thought it was just me and other good kids, took far too long before I realised no one went to school on the weekends
    — biancaistoast

  5. Parents told the 6 year old me that they were fighting monsters at night to keep me safe as I was asleep. Took 4 years to realise that they were just having very loud sex at night
    — fastworld555

  6. My mom somehow kept up the facade of us being financially comfortable, although my father wasted our money immensely. I always felt kind of rich, until I found out that my mom sometimes went years without buying anything for herself so my brother and I could grow up without having to worry about money at all.
    — mosskiddo

  7. We were solid middle class. Actually we were poor as fuck and got by using credit card after credit card.
    — show_the_maw

  8. That we were not that rich. Turns out we were very well off financially but my parents didn’t wanna spoil me too much. Im damn grateful though
    — benedictfuckyourass

  9. My dad told me wolf spiders(common where I’m from) hunt in packs. That’s why they were called wolf spiders. So if I saw one and made him kill it I had to clean the whole room to make sure that there was no den for the pack to live in. Yeah years later I remembered and googled it and was like “wait a minute!”
    — decisionsandrevision

  10. MY MOM told me that my dog "accidentally" stomped on my hamster and felt really bad about it. I realized later that the dog murdered my hamster in cold blood. At the time, though, my mother just asked me what would make me feel better, "would getting a new one do it?" That was all it took when I was 8 years old. Swiftly replaced and forgotten.
    — Pm_Me_Your_Wookies

  11. My dad said he knew I was lying because when I lied “my lips moved” so the next time I lied I tried not to move my lips and he knew I was lying haha It only worked once but boy did I fall for that
    — EpicSpooder

  12. Here’s how my mom ruined Santa for me. I had just opened a box labeled “from Santa” on it. It was a PSP and man was I bursting with joy. My clumsy ass self accidentally drops it on the carpet and my mom goes, “Be careful I paid good money for that!” It took me about 5 seconds to put two and two together.
    — FutureTheFuture

  13. When I was about 8 years old, I had my suspicions about the tooth fairy. So when I lost a tooth, I put it under my pillow like I normally did, but I didn't tell my parents. Needless to say, the tooth was still there the next morning. My mother was both disappointed and impressed.
    — TheNotLogicBomb

  14. They always told me a person who speaks a lie will grow a tail (I was 11, shit) and a boy they knew had grown a tail. And my relatives would agree to this when I tried to confirm. One day when I was really struck in a situation I couldn't tell my parents but rather have a tail, I lied and waited for the supernatural to happen. Just checked my butt, hasn't still sprouted out.
    — indrajxxt

  15. Where to begin...first that comes to mind is that by washing your hands too much they’d fall off. Found that wasn’t true relatively quick. I think my favorite, though, was that my grandmother always sat in the ‘don’ chair (back against the wall) because her father was part of tge mafia. They had me believing that one for longer than I care to admit...
    — Surprise_MoFo

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