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Males of Reddit, what is the craziest reaction you’ve had when you said “No thanks, I don’t want to have sex.”?

  1. She bent forward, and said very loudly said 'do you want sex?' To my crotch.
    — myles_cassidy

  2. She had a half-crying-half-angry crisis. Kept asking if it was something she did or if there was someone else or if I was sick and ranting about how "no guy says no to sex, you're mad about something" all I could think the whole time is, *I have to never, ever react like this if someone tells me they don't want to have sex, this is just embarrassing.*
    — PositiveChi

  3. I've had a glass of vodka poured on me and told that I was an ass for leading her on... I didn't lead her on I was having normal conversation with her, she was drunk and I wasn't.
    — random_hero23

  4. Had been working at a new bar for a couple of months, one of the waitresses who had a rep for sleeping with new doormen gets hammered and can't drive home. I take her home, walk her into her house, put her on the couch and put a blanket over here, as I'm leaning down putting the blanket over her she grabs my shirt and tries pulling me down to kiss her, I tell her she's drunk, so no thanks, and then she proceeds to tell everyone at work I'm gay for the next six months because I wouldn't take advantage of her while she was drunk.
    — Diamanacle

  5. "So that's how that feels."
    — Matadot

  6. "You think I'm ugly so I'm going to kill myself." No. I'm exhausted from your texts fighting with me while I'm at work, doing work at work, dealing with you being sad because I want 20 minutes to myself and your previous half dozen suicide threats today.
    — dwayne_rooney

  7. So I don't know what was up with this girl but she wanted in my pants probably more than was healthy. I turned her down on several occasions and usually she accepted it with grace and composure. I never ended up having sex with her and one day when I was propositioned by her she just freaked out and what went from a weird friendship turned into full out bitchfest on me her saying that I was leading her on this whole time, making her think I wanted to date her, keeping her out of the dating world, and basically just being a dick. I was later explained by one of our mutual friends that she apparently thought that I was being nice to her because I liked her and that I teamed with her online because I wanted to go on 'dates' with her. Turned out she had this whole relationship fantasy about us that was never real and I was oblivious to it the whole time.
    — Da_Penguins

  8. My ex girlfriend showed up at my apartment at 2:00 am completely shit faced telling me she needed to sleep it off at my house. Being that I didn't want to see her kill herself or someone else driving I let her crash in my bed and I take the couch. As I am trying to sleep she wanders out to the living room completely nude telling me she wants me to come to bed. I tell her that I will absolutely not sleep in bed with her and whatever she had in mind would not be happening. Being that she was not a very rational woman while we were together and she was sober it escalated to her screaming at me and how I am going to regret denying her. At one point she mentions that unless I come to bed with her she is going to contact the police and tell them I raped her...I take this time to grab my car keys and leave immediately with her screaming at me all the way down the stairs. I decided to sleep at my dads and not return to the apartment. Luckily she never tried anything and never contacted me again. Last I heard she was living across the country
    — godbullseye

  9. I got a 45 minute lecture about how that makes her feel terrible about her body and how I'm basically emotionally abusing her by not wanting to have sex with her. We're no longer together, thankfully
    — hasneverflossed

  10. Me and my girlfriend broke up mutually. I woke up around 4 In the morning to her in my clothes in bed with me begging to have sex, i say no, then she proceeds to drunkenly puke all over my possessions. 1/10 never do again
    — BamBeezler

  11. “What? Do you think you’re BETTER THAN ME!” Yelled at me, in public.
    — crateguy

  12. In our 20's me and my friends like to hit up this local dive bar. Drinks were poured strong and cheap, decent beer selection, and not crowded at all. Since it was a bit divey we were usually the youngest by a generation. This one night some old woman that was either experimenting with the wet hair look, or was getting her wet every 10 minutes not entirely sure took a drunken liking to me. After I refused her a few times she say something like "if you don't loosen up you''l be a virgin forever" Pulls her shirt up to flash me as a look what your missing I guess and storms off. Bartender poured me a free one so I got a beer out of it at least.
    — tdasnowman

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