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What is something from your childhood would you like to come back?

  1. That feeling of the last day of school and knowing you have an entire summer of play and adventures ahead of you
    — smukkekos

  2. When I was younger during Christmas there was this “magic” in the air that is sadly gone now. My mom used to get my sister and I an advent calendar which I loved. I would drink egg nog every single day. I know that all that stuff still exists but for whatever reason, the “feeling” of Christmas isn’t there anymore. It sucks.
    — ThaBigSean

  3. Having the time to watch TV for 4 hours straight after school
    — fireives1967

  4. Not making sounds when I stand up or sit down.
    — TheFloatingCamel

  5. The times were split screen games were a thing. I miss halo
    — lndw20

  6. The hope and optimism of knowing that the future would be better.
    — wordserious

  7. Half the cartoons that were on Nick and Cartoon Network at the time. Or Dunkaroos. Those were good too.
    — RachAgainstLeMachine

  8. Those raspberry and cream lifesaver things
    — FembotFemputer

  9. PRIVACY. I kind of miss Sunday being a "shut-down" day... I miss actual time separation between holidays (Xmas stuff not really in stores until after Thanksgiving, etc.) Sugar Daddy they still sell those or did they go out of business due to all the lost fillings?
    — challam

  10. Saturday Cartoons
    — arnoldwannabe

  11. MTV that actually played music videos
    — Chumley_P_Chumsworth

  12. The tiny Pringles you could get in a sleeve. Those were great.
    — Rebeccam7932

  13. Video games released as a complete project
    — Chronogos

  14. I remember when I was 5 years old, I could ride my bike anywhere in the neighborhood. Alone. With friends. It didn’t matter. I would go to the park or ride over to a friend’s house to see if they were home. If they were, I’d stay for a few hours. As long as I was home by 5pm for dinner, I pretty much had free reign of my neighborhood in our mid-sized, Midwest city. I don’t feel the freedom to give my kids that same luxury. Not because I don’t trust them to handle it well, but because I’m afraid of how other people will react to it and what their response might be, including involving the authorities. It makes me sad.
    — DanishxAssassin

  15. Calvin & Hobbes
    — Back2Bach

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