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Reddit, what is one movie that didn’t necessarily ‘scare’ you, but left you feeling rather uncomfortable or emotionally disturbed afterwards?

  1. Whiplash. I was stressed out the whole movie.
    — galactasue

  2. “We Need to Talk About Kevin” was a wild ride
    — Xanny_0

  3. Dark City. The idea that all we really know about ourselves (and the shape of our personality) comes from our memories of our lives, and the question of who we would be if our memories were replaced outright...I spent a lot of time thinking about that. Especially because there are things that I *remember* happening in college that I don't have any explanation for (and which don't seem possible), so I wonder if my memory of those things, as rock-solid as it is, is just fiction that I've come to believe over the years.
    — BrokenPaw

  4. Nightcrawler
    — jwjohnson20

  5. Event Horizon
    — Bishopjones

  6. Nocturnal Animals. The rage it brought up inside me, I was not prepared for it.
    — Seadrom

  7. Schindler's List is one of my all-time favorite movies. But it still leaves me very unsettled by the end every time I watch it.
    — Goombaw

  8. Oldboy is it for me.
    — AstromechOne

  9. American History X.
    — Tadra29

  10. The Green Mile.
    — Meschugena

  11. Eraserhead
    — gobananazz77

  12. Kids. I’m from the burbs so I was very intimidated by how crazy their lives were.
    — Barkingpanther

  13. Hard Candy was... an experience.
    — smellytaco_

  14. Black Mirror's Christmas movie.
    — GershBinglander

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