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What's something a lot of people think is bad but you cant understand why they think that?

  1. In general - admitting to having certain hobbies and interests. So many people I know with all kinds of niche interests like robotics or anime or competitive video games or whatever think it's terrible to tell people they like those things (Even more so when it's in a context like a date). It really doesn't make sense in most situations to hide your interests and the things you like - the vast majority of people who might learn this stuff about you are not going to care. For the ones that might actually care, more often than not they are people who are going to eventually find out anyway. This is also probably my biggest dating pet peeve, too - so many people I've dated and talked to would just *completely omit* the most interesting details about themselves in favor of offering generic, likely-to-be-unoffensive small talk.
    — AnthonyMJohnson

  2. Relaxation. Mom says, "Relax? You should be busy doing something productive at all times."
    — Back2Bach

  3. The movie Brother Bear. I love the movie, all my friends either haven't seen it or didn't like it.
    — SirDeep

  4. Watching a movie in theaters by yourself.
    — gizmo1492

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