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Reddit, what became of the least popular kids in your high school?

  1. Kid I went to high school with got a restraining order put on him after stalking a couple girls in our class. He said that they were angels sent to him from God. According to his Facebook, he's now a real estate agent, and is the prophet of a religion that he started.
    — IAmTheVoidWhale

  2. I did not become 'the next Unabomber', as voted by my high school classmates. So that's nice.
    — brockhopper

  3. According to Facebook he's a banker in NYC, has 3 kids, and acts as a bloodthirsty Viking in medieval re-enactments on the weekend. Seems pretty happy and successful. The weird thing is he had long, straight, blonde hair in high school - perfect for a Viking - but he has since cut it all off and wears a wig in the re-enactments.
    — SpaceDumps

  4. Kid was always an introverted band member. Went to elementary through highshcool with him. He is now in a pretty popular screamo band and is touring the U.S. playing at venues like the crofoot and warped tour. Still looks like your classic nerd though.
    — ILMM314

  5. Least popular kid here. I remember a day where there was a fistfight in the lunch line because two boys didn’t want to stand next to me. I ate lunch in the choir room because otherwise I risked being teased the entire time. The band and choir rooms were my only escape. I teach band now. I don’t hate on the popular kids and I don’t force group work, but I do keep an eye out in particular for kids that are being excluded. It’s so much sneakier than outright bullying and it hurts so much. I want to make sure my room is available as a sanctuary for those kids that may not have somewhere else to go.
    — ElectronicFerret

  6. He wasn't massively *unpopular* as such, I think most people liked him fine, but he was pretty quiet and kind of didn't really register with most people. He was just invisible rather than disliked. I remember once when we were about 15 he invited me to a party at his house. I didn't really know him that well, but as a few of my other friends were going I accepted. However, when I got there on the day he told me that everyone else cancelled and it was just going to be the two of us. Okaaay...slightly annoying, but let's just play some computer games or whatever. Within minutes of my arrival, he had a screaming match with his mother who then left for the evening. I feel like maybe he hadn't really told her that I was going to be there, and I barely even knew this kid, so it was very tense and awkward. The house was horrible too, very messy and gloomy. I just wanted to fake an emergency and get my mum to pick me up right away, but I felt a bit sorry for him so I decided to stick it out. At one point, I went to the bathroom and when I came out he had turned out ALL of the lights in the house, which was now plunged into total darkness. I was trying to feel and fumble my way around an unfamiliar space, but didn't know where anything was and it was so dark (he lived in the countryside) that my eyes didn't adjust. Then I heard him sneaking around the house, kind of brushing past me and giggling every now and then but not responding to my (increasingly terrified) calls. I kept bumping into things and didn't know where the light switches were. This went on for a few minutes and my heart was racing. So it had gone from an awkward evening to a fairly disturbing one within 30 minutes of my arrival. Eventually, he turned the lights back on and was like "LOL...wanna help me build a computer?" I obviously didn't, but it seemed like an activity which would involve the lights being on and him NOT scuttling around the house like a serial killer, so I was all for it. I remember him dropping an important piece, which shattered, and him getting really angry at himself while I just sat there desperately hoping he wasn't going to turn to the darkness again. I was trying to offer encouragement like "hey, do you know what I think would help? Keeping the lights on and being normal." Anyway, I'm in my 30s now and I found out a few years ago that he killed himself in that house shortly after we finished school. Someone told me he Dad has also hung himself in that house, although I can't be 100% sure that's true. He obviously had deeper issues than I realised, but being a selfish teenager I didn't make the connection at the time.
    — massivebumwizard

  7. Solicited a prostitute when he turned 18. She robbed him. He called the cops on her. Now he's in jail. Can't make this shit up. Edit: he went to jail for the prostitute thing. Why he's still in jail I don't know. It's unrelated. Sorry for the confusion, people.
    — bdresner

  8. There was this super quiet mousy girl named Rachel who, upon graduation, got a job at Walmart. A 45 year-old shelf-stocker noticed her and basically made a project out of fucking her the moment she turned 18. Wound up knocking her up basically the first time she had sex with him and she gives birth to a daughter. Rachel's dad lost his mind when he found out she was pregnant and beat the shit out of the guy and was then charged with assault and now has a criminal record. This was just under 20 years ago, and I just heard that Rachel's daughter (who is 18, now) just got impregnated by her 50 year old boyfriend. So, the cycle shall continue
    — lowertechnology

  9. I was one of the only 2-3 people who was friends with an awkward and unhappy kid in my school. He had terrible family issues (one example: his mother tried to have him committed at age 15 because he didn't want to come live with her after she left their family) and he was the only non-Catholic at a Catholic high school (which he officially wore as a badge of honor, but of course it made him stand out as different). In college he met a nice girl, got to know the geek contingent (which became a strong circle of friends) and became president of his very geeky fraternity. He married that girl the day after graduation and moved far away from his family. He now owns a successful book store and has two fabulous children and they're all very happy 30 years after he was the least popular kid in school. ---------------------------------- Edit: Came back to find more upvotes on this than I had expected (which is nice). Most of the people below making jokes about "A successful bookstore? Impossible?" are clearly joking, but in case any of them are serious, I'll mention there are tons of great bookstores in every city that are not only surviving but actually thriving at the moment. Borders then Barnes and Nobles had killed many independent bookstores (cf. watch "You've Got Mail") but not all of them...and then Amazon killed Borders and is in the process of killing B&N. The remaining independent bookstores are actually doing okay right now because they've re-filled the niche that had been taken by the big bookstores. If you have a moment, have fun looking at this article from last year on [50 Of The Best Independent Bookstores in America](
    — Clapperoth

  10. I don't know if he was truly the least popular because he was well-known by everyone. He was just not well-liked, but he kind of got through life by truly not caring. He hit on every girl constantly and unsuccessfully (as far as I could tell), was generally creepy. I don't know what happened to him for about 20 years, but I reconnected with him on FB when we were late 30s. He spent a decent amount of time apologizing to people publicly there and became a sheriff's deputy in a mid-sized southern US town, which set off red flags to me but all of them seem to be unfounded. He seems to be doing OK and is married to a woman he appears to adore.
    — mojave_moon

  11. Everyone was afraid of this guy, except me. I actually worked up the courage to talk to him, and it turned out he was surprisingly normal. He was a very big kid and looked older and also just looked very mean. I got to know him a bit and he was actually pretty friendly, if I was around him more I would've been friends with him too. I'm not sure if something happened before I knew him or what, normally there would be stories about someone if that were the case. I never heard anything bad about him, but people were really scared of him. I felt really sorry for him because he was this big friendly giant, and everyone else was too intimidated to give him a chance. Turns out they were right. A few years after high school, he murdered his mother. I kind of wonder if she was very manipulative or was horrible to him or something. He was very aware of how big and strong he was, so he always went out of his way to gentle and nice. Still though, the whole thing was very disturbing to read about.
    — ferociousrickjames

  12. She was a friend of mine. No one liked her because was the stereotypical homeschooled kid thrusted in real school. She had no social skills, trouble understanding social cues, numerous health issues, smelled a bit, and to top it all of she was a huge know-it-all. We had a huge fight in 10th grade that she never got over. My mom has seen her mom a few times and in the 5 years since graduation she's had to move home due to heart failure and had her other health conditions flair up. Her parents are pretty terrible people so she was left to take care of her much younger siblings as soon as she came home. I feel so bad for her because she had so much potential and I always did want to be her friend again.
    — cutesarcasticone

  13. Not the least popular or the most but the one who would most likely be voted to get stoned and eat subway all day now owns a whole bunch of subways. Not sure if he still gets stoned but he is rolling in the proverbial dough. Edit:TIL alot of you guys don't know what getting stoned means. It means to get high, smoke weed..ya know /r/trees man... c'mon.
    — Flamingpig

  14. I was the least popular kid in high school now I upgraded to being least popular kid in university, it's cool
    — Sensaiii

  15. There was this kid at my school who was pretty camp, so people called him gay a lot. He hated it. He got called gay several times a day every day for years. When he eventually got a girlfriend, people would say things to her like “you know your boyfriend is gay, right?” which obviously annoyed them both. I looked him up on Facebook yesterday. He’s happily dating a man. The prophecy has been fulfilled.
    — minisaladfresh

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