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If you could remove one character from any TV Show or Movie to make it better, who would it be?

  1. Felicity from Arrow.
    — FatalTortoise

  2. D.W. from Arthur. He told her not to touch it.
    — yuki_sucks_at_games

  3. Mark Brandanoquitz
    — eskay85

  4. Remove Anakin from Attack of the Clones and it's Obi-Wan going on this awesome detective hunt that leads to a clone army.
    — RobertHarden

  5. I would remove Sylar from Heroes after the first season. Ideally I'd remove ALL The main characters as that was supposedly the original plan, but if I can only remove one, I remove Sylar. He spent the entirety of that series bouncing back and forth from being a good guy to a bad guy, gaining new powers and then immediately being nerfed, and kept the writers from ever developing interesting new villains because big bad Sylar had to always be lurking in the shadows to make his grand comeback. There are a lot of reasons why Heroes stalled out after season one, but Sylar is probably the biggest.
    — ImpressiveDoggerel

  6. Any token annoying child from any show/movie ever. Particularly the kid in The Strain. That show has 99 problems and most of them are him.
    — beckybarbaric

  7. Alfrid Lickspittle, deputy to the master of Laketown, from the Hobbit trilogy.
    — cogitocogito

  8. That smartass kid in the yellow pajamas with the thick glasses in The Polar Express. WHY does that kid need to exist? I know many shows and movies have characters we don't like, but he adds absolutely nothing to the movie! He's not even funny and his voice is ridiculous! But then again, I'm not exactly the target audience...
    — mycatiswatchingyou

  9. The entire moody, edgy goth group from "The Lost Sister" episode of Stranger Things.

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