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What's a driving tip everyone should know?

  1. Keep your headlights on in the rain. It’s not so you can see. It’s so other drivers can see you.
    — regcrusher

  2. Old trucker here with 2 million safe miles. Defensive driving doesn't mean the accident isn't your fault. Defensive driving means you avoid the accident that wouldn't have been your fault. Your eyes stay on the road. You hunt for danger. You anticipate. You maintain proper following distance. You watch for escape routes. You slow down when passing a vehicle stopped of the side of the road. Your job when driving is to always be aware of danger and know how to avoid it.
    — Demonae

  3. Cemeteries are filled with the remains of those who had right of way
    — dunmif_sys

  4. Stay out of people's blindspots, and never believe anyone knows you're there
    — KingShish

  5. No matter what you do, always give yourself plenty of room from the car in front of you. Never, ever tailgate. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to unexpectedly slam on my breaks and had juuuust enough room to where I didn’t crash into the back of the other car.
    — Chewbeckahh

  6. Be the bigger person and let the other drive in/merge/overtake etc. I'd rather be slightly inconvenienced than in a crash or worse.
    — HumbleOpinionDude

  7. Drive confident and predictable. Keeps traffic smooth and easy to read for everyone.
    — HansjeHolland

  8. Stay off your phone
    — pm-me-stuff-plz

  9. ZIPPER! Just fucking zipper. When two lanes are trying to merge, if each car lets one single other car go ahead of them the lanes merge perfectly. Instead it's like this every man for himself situation that creates a huge backup.
    — JamesandtheGiantAss

  10. Don’t ride in other people’s blind spots unless you have to. I see this all the time when there’s open road someone will be cruising along directly in my blind spot and just staying there.
    — Feodar_protar

  11. DON'T CUT IN FRONT OF TRUCKS!! And by trucks I don't mean pickups, I mean actual trucks. Big rigs, semis, tractor-trailers. Trucks take a lot longer to stop than cars, if you take their safety buffer (that gap you're eyeing off) the truck will use you as brakes destroying your car and most things in it. **Please**, don't cut in front of trucks.
    — koalas_arent_bears

  12. If you're on a 3-lane highway and want to move to the middle lane, and there's another car in the opposite lane, remember that they may also try to move to the middle lane at the same time. And you have to assume that they're a dumbass and might not be aware of you.
    — boobityskoobity

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