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What movie were you most disappointed by?

  1. The dark tower. Waited decades for that shit and we end up with a complete different story that's masked as a sequel so they can pretty much do whatever they wanted.
    — CrankBar

  2. The Last Airbender.
    — Redditor_2017

  3. Anybody remember *Fantastic 4*? It was anything but fantastic...
    — EngineerTheArtist

  4. Eragon. Even after all these years, it still hurts.
    — ExtraChaos

  5. The Happening. Nothing happened.
    — xReyjinx

  6. Suicide Squad I tried twice to see it through to the end and just couldn't The "we're bad guys. It's what we do" mentality of the movie was just bad That said, i liked Will Smith's character
    — TooLateToPush

  7. Ender's Game. Plodding and slow, it still manages to be shallow. Maybe if i was not a fan of the book, I would have been entertained more.
    — Joebroni1414

  8. The entire Hobbit trilogy. What a bunch of crap. Even the "Tolkien Fan Edit" only made it "bad" instead of "insultingly bad." It wouldn't have been so awful if LOTR hadn't raised the bar and my expectations so high, but even then.
    — ZombieBisque

  9. The second Silent Hill movie. Who had the stupid idea of taking the most iconic villain of the game franchise and turning it into an ally in the movie?!
    — Hraklea

  10. Matrix Revolutions. I almost wrote about this in the "worst sequels" thread, but this is really the better place. What makes this particular sequel so bad is that it doesn't just fail to meet expectations, it actually makes the earlier movies worse. It reveals that the interesting philosophical ideas explored in the first movie were a fluke, and that the writers didn't really have any worthwhile ideas for a follow up. It takes a thought provoking science premise and turns it into a stupid fantasy story where mystical things happen with no underlying logic. In a movie where we expected answers to all of the questions about the nature of the Matrix and the future of mankind they just kind of throw their hands up and have everything happen by magic without any coherent explanation. At the end of Reloaded Neo suddenly has his Matrix powers in the real world. He also finds out that there have been multiple versions of the Matrix over time, and that the one he grew up in was actually one of many iterations. Since the movies were supposed to be science fiction, I assumed that this meant that the "Real World" with Zion, Morpheus, and all that stuff was actually just an abandoned earlier version of the Matrix. I expected the third movie to involve Neo travelling across all the different Matrices fighting agents and waking up people so that they can join the battle. Instead its a cross between a pointless CGI robot snuff film in Zion and a pointless quest where the rules of the universe are suddenly out the window and everything just kind of happens. Then it ends with a fucking ceasefire. Fuck Matrix Revolutions.
    — throwaway1585642

  11. Suicide Squad. The trailer looked really Dark, horror Film like and the Film turned out to be Completely garbage
    — laffa-yett

  12. The sequel to Kingsman. I thought the first one was absolutely fantastic, but the sequel takes the best jokes from the first one and runs them into the ground, and I hate the editing on the fight scenes
    — MarsupialRage

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