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Besides masturbating, what activity do you like that you'll only do when you're alone with the curtains drawn, because it's way too weird for anyone else to know about it?

  1. I talk out loud to myself constantly cause I don't have anyone else to talk to. It's always weird when someone almost walks in on me.
    — Gryffinwhore64

  2. Sometimes I like to lay down and be very still for about eight hours or so. It's weird, but I do it like... every day honestly.
    — Allisade

  3. I have a closet with mannequins in it. When I get lonely I close the curtains and bring them out. I lost my wife and kids in an accident and these fill the empty space.
    — baconbandit1973

  4. Cleaning my guns. Not because it is weird per-se. But because we have a lot of people who walk past my house, and at least a few are people that look for cars/houses to break into.
    — Ori15n

  5. I draw the curtains when watching certain shows, because they most definitely can appear to be porn from the outside. Like many HBO shows and all them boobs
    — AmySchumersAnalTumor

  6. cry
    — SuperUnhappyman

  7. I play Russian hardbass music on my bluetooth speakers and dance like mad.I try to imitate their dance steps from youtube videos.So much fun.
    — niks58

  8. eating an orange while I shower
    — OscarAJR

  9. Quick draw practice, also when I sit down and have a cleaning day for my gun collection.
    — Yesitmatches

  10. As a form of cardio, I dance around like a weirdo for about a half an hour. I don't need to expose the world to that.
    — Naminaro

  11. Pick my nose and unleash all the loud farts. Also, rub one out. Plot twist: I’m a woman!
    — throwmefaraway789

  12. Screaming loudly in demonic voices.
    — InfaredRidingHood

  13. It's not alone, but it fits this category too well. My wife will bite my right thumb, yes always only the right, on the cuticle HARD. I will subject myself to this pain willingly for as long as I can. We'll do this over and over for 5 mins or so. At some point, I'll pop a boner. A pain boner, if you will, then uhhhh... you can fill in the rest. I like no other pain scenarios. I'm not a submissive. It's just the right thumb she bites. I have no clue how I ever convinced her to do this, but she loves it too.
    — muffin_man84

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