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Hey Reddit, what's your "type"?

  1. Alive
    — Swellomg

  2. Apparently someone who is crazy as fuck and so much emotional baggage she has to check it on another flight.
    — lurker69

  3. I need a woman who loves me for my money, but isn't very good at math.
    — papatrudeau

  4. Looks like a dad, but not my dad, but also not a real dad. So, a theoretical dad????
    — sufferingforever

  5. Anyone who’ll text me back :(
    — El_Wingador

  6. I seem to be attracted to dudes who lure me in with a false sense of emotional security, then surprise me when I discover that they are, in fact, void of any sort of empathetic thoughts. Dicks. I like dicks.
    — Brass_and_Frass

  7. Stealth or sniper custom types. I'm just not suited for front-line combat.
    — Dunkelritter

  8. Same species, opposite gender.
    — sklopnicht

  9. I need a girl who will call me on my bull shit.
    — justburch712

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