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What did you do that was stupid and put you in the E.R ?

  1. I smashed a couple fingers in the tail gate of a 10-ton dump truck. Dumped out a load of fill dirt and a large rock get wedged between the bed and the tail gate. Stupid me used my hands to pull it out, but I wasn't fast enough and the tail gate slammed down on two of my fingers, breaking them both, but thankfully not severing them as I was wearing leather gloves.
    — tspielman

  2. I was brushing my teeth too vigorously/hard, slipped, and stabbed myself in the eye with the toothbrush. A couple of eye stitches (nope^nope^nope) and two weeks in an eyepatch later, it was all better other than the fact that I stabbed myself in the eye with a toothbrush and would never live it down.
    — gleetzoid

  3. When I was 9 I tried my shot at bungie jumping from about 20ft up a tree using a retractable dog leash. All I did was attach the clip that goes on to the dogs collar to my back belt loop. I took the leap and woke up in the e.r.
    — KennyPowers55420

  4. So theres a stupid big hill, like ridiculously steep & long, about a 10 minute walk from my house, it’s an access way for cars to get to a lookout, so gravel road. When we first moved in, at 12 years old i was the only one in my group of family and cousins ballsy (stupid) enough to take my bike down it. All went well, no issues there. Couple weeks later we decided to go for another walk/bike/scooter ride and i decided to take my scooter rather than my bike. We get to the hill and i say im going down i’ve done it before yada yada, so i start the decent. Not 5 seconds in i realise the ride is alot more unsteady & uncontrolled on a scooter as opposed to a bike. I start wobbling, i look down at the bottom of the hill and lo and behold they’ve added a speed bump within the few weeks since last time. Fuck. Time slows down and my thoughts race. My wobbles are getting worse. Do I stay on and hit the speed bump? Do i jump off my scooter going 60km/h wearing only a skateboard helmet? My thought process leaned towards the latter. I jump off, one step, two step, fall forward on my head. Woke up in the car going to the ER. Concussed, huge gash in my palm, huge gash on my elbow, scraped knees, gravel rash all down my back, and a severely cracked collarbone. Stick to bikes & dont be a dumbass.
    — xProjectNova

  5. Hooked a windsurfing sail to a skateboard and went out in 20+ knot winds. My Wile E. Coyote impersonation ensued. Broken left ankle. Drove myself to the hospital in a car with a manual transmission (OUCH!) Doctor laughed out loud when she heard how I hurt myself. Made me repeat it for her co-workers. Biggest laugh was when I was asked my age and I said 35.
    — picksandchooses

  6. It wasn't because something got stuck up my butt.
    — Bucket_O_Beef

  7. I got on a jetski for the first time hungover/drunk and shattered my kneecap in a horrid accident. 18 years later it still hurts.
    — phaddle

  8. The very first weekend of my freshman year of high school I was jumping over a fence when my shoes got caught on the wire tips of the fence. Ended up in the ER a few hours later with two broken arms. For the next 6 weeks, my parents had to feed me, bathe me and even wipe my ass. The respect I gained for my 50 year old father after he wiped my 14 year old ass has still not been forgotten.
    — Polar-Peter

  9. Drank eight martinis and then ran down the long escalator at Leicester Square tube station.
    — murkybucket

  10. Not me, but my mom. She decided it would be a good idea to cut off all food and water to someone who was consistently having bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. You know what happens when you do that? Your 15 year old daughter ends up having a seizure. Probably not the best idea she ever had, but somehow not the worst either.
    — UnobjectionableDryad

  11. I didn't have insurance so I let a soar throat go on for weeks. Finally paid $100 to visit a clinic and was sent to the ER. Had to have emergency surgery to drain an abscess on my tonsils.
    — Grn_blt_primo

  12. Ate a glowstick. Or at least a bit of one.
    — ahumandisaster

  13. I smashed my head against a glass table. I broke the table and a shard almost hit my eye. It landed near though and I have the scar to prove it. Yes that's stupid but I was a really dumb kid ok? I did lots of stupid things.
    — Edaldal

  14. When I was 15 I cut my left index finger "to the bone" while trying to dismantle and fix a 15 pin VGA Monitor cable with a pocket knife. My parents didn't have insurance so, in the middle of the night, I put four stitches in my finger. Upon waking the next morning I found my finger twice its original size. The ER doc called me "Rambo" and now (at 38) I've got a cool scar and a cooler story.
    — 24HrElectrolyteDlvry

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