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Men of reddit, what stereotypical girlish thing do you secretly enjoy?

  1. Things that smell good are great, candles, those wax melting things, fabric softener. I don't care, I love them. Who _wouldn't_ want their house to smell like spring, cinnamon, or woods, instead of dust?
    — MidnightRanger_

  2. Well its not a secret but Im really into needle felting. Its fun. I make little animals n stuff.
    — Syriph2823

  3. Mani and a pedi. Started going with my daughter so she didn't have to go alone. I always ask if she needs one so I can go with.
    — NoClueDad

  4. Soft fuzzy blankets.
    — ro_thunder

  5. Scented candles. Specifically the Gray Flanel scent at Target
    — TonyHSmith

  6. Long baths
    — mello-t

  7. I thoroughly enjoy dressmaking and sewing. it was quite funny really, in Highschool I was banned from Metalwork and Woodwork for some contrived reason that I can't recall, but was likely entirely my own fault, so I was forced to do Sewing as an elective, not only did I end up enjoying it, but I ended up with some of the top marks in the class and developing some sweet needle skills that have come in very handy; from spot fixes on fancy dresses when ladies have had "wardrobe malfunctions" at nice events - I generally have a sewing kit and safety pins secreted on me, especially at black tie and fancy events - much higher chance someone will need something with all that fancy clothing; to being able to hem my own pants, fix shirts and tshirts and even make my own clothes from time to time. been meaning to get myself an overlocker at some point.
    — lovableMisogynist

  8. I have a 15-step Korean skincare routine.
    — BnBGreg

  9. Facemasks and moisturising make me feel pretty. Also cocktails.
    — xcorinthianx

  10. I recently started filing my fingernails after cutting them. It’s amazing, no more snags going into my pocket or accidentally scratching myself.
    — Piderman113

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