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What's easier to do at 18 than 58?

  1. Bend your knees without pain.
    — bundleofschtick

  2. Jerk off 7 times in a day. It's one of those superpowers you don't miss until it's gone.
    — foxymcfox

  3. Taking care of your body. If you don't care for it at 18, by the time you're 58 you'll have a bunch of aches and pains.
    — wazzle13

  4. Get pregnant
    — hashtagfuckyou12

  5. Eat like shit and still remain in shape.
    — sourceofnightmares

  6. Have sex with an 18 year old
    — drawkcabog

  7. Parallel park. 58 mph is way too fast. 18 is probably petty challenging but would obviously be easier.
    — crankery

  8. From what I've heard (parents, teachers, etc.) making friends. But I'm 17 so I don't know shit.
    — InRainbows555

  9. Save money for retirement
    — dhork

  10. Sleep for a continuous 8 hours.
    — gustoreddit51

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