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What first date behavior is a deal breaker, regardless of other qualities?

  1. Went on a date with someone that I exchanged numbers with after crossing paths with them at a local market. We texted for about a week before finally meeting up and exchanged a lot of texts, covering a wide array of subjects and personal stories. She's new to the area and doesn't get out much. Day before the date, I ask her if she has anything in mind or any special requests for the date: she says it's up to me, she'll be down for anything! A local fancy beer bar is having a "tap takeover" from a Japanese brewery on this night, plus is in an area where there's lots of other cool things to do other than drink, just in case. We meet up and I attempt to tell her what the plan is, but she insists on wanting to be surprised. We make our way to the bar and she immediately clams up and sits defensively with me. I asked her if this was a bad choice and she proceeds to berate me for choosing a bar as a date spot and goes on to tell me she's a recovering alcoholic and heroin addict, so I've ruined her night. I mentioned that never once in our convos was avoiding a bar brought up and reminded her that I tried to tell her what I had planned but she "wanted to be surprised." She called me an asshole and I walked out on her mid-sentence.
    — gaseousk

  2. I went on a date with a girl who stole the salt and pepper pots from the restaurant when we left after our meal. Edit: Pots = Shakers
    — OrcenLeviathan

  3. Making a really big deal about something really small. Not only for the reason of it showing their personality, but that it shows you two have inherently different priorities.
    — apathyontheeast

  4. Honestly, talking too much shit about others. A little is fine if you're telling a story. But too much and I assume you're a drama llama
    — NotoriousTNT

  5. Not just talking about an ex (because we’re adults and everyone has a past), but continuously calling exes crazy and blaming them for their relationships ending.
    — paperghosting

  6. Had a date with a guy who owned the sports bar we were at. He repeatedly suggested we “go to his office” or try to go “someplace quieter”. Date only lasted a couple hours, and that was only because I got on the topic of dogs with one of his friends.
    — Shazamanite

  7. The only tinder date I have ever been on. Things were fine until I noticed that the tops of her feet were tattooed with portraits of John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson. Across her toes were the words "party dudes". When I asked her what was up with that, she said "I just think they were really intelligent, misunderstood guys."
    — sharkshavemouths

  8. For me, it's pushing boundaries. If a guy keeps trying to do or pressure me to do something I've said I'm uncomfortable with, even if it's something that seems like "no big deal", I'm out. Apart from the fact that it's a clear sign of incompatibility, it also raises the question of whether I can trust that person to respect more serious boundaries.
    — EchoInTheSilence

  9. Not asking questions to you, constantly talking about themself.
    — amidtheovergrowth

  10. Lol I posted this on another forum. I went on a date with ALL the red flags. Dude showed up half an hour late. He did tell me he would be late when I got there, but then told me he's always late to everything He talked about how he used to be addicted to drugs and lost everything. He talked about his ex wife. He talked about how his kids hate him and refuse to speak to him. He would only complement my looks instead of anything I had to say. He would interrupt me. He tried to convince me to get in his car and go with him to a house he doesn't even own or rent. He talked about how he looks good in a purple silk shirt and leather jeans. It was the worst fucking date I'd ever had. Edit: I forgot the worst one. When he invited me back to that house he said he wanted to "punish me". So that was terrifying.
    — Thisisathrowaway4cat

  11. Pulling out a meth or crack pipe
    — Butterflylollipop

  12. I went on a date with this girl and I asked what she had done that day. She said hung out with her ex. Fine. Some people remain friends. I know I do. She said "don't worry, we didn't have sex, I only blew him." I excused myself to go to the bathroom, found our waiter and paid the bill. After finishing my drink, I bailed. Nope nope nope.
    — SnatchAddict

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