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What always makes you groan when you see it?

  1. Those stupid “Calvin pissing on something” bumper stickers
    — VictorBlimpmuscle

  2. Hmmm, I have pork chops in the freezer. Let me look up a recipe online real quick............*uggggh* why am I sifting through stories about peoples grandmothers and playing by a lake as a kid??? Just tell me how to make a damn pork chop!
    — nagol93

  3. Those dumb quotes about love and heartbreak on tumblr
    — -notJohnThough-

  4. I love my wife more than anything in the world, but when I see her cooking and she’s wearing one of the hundreds of scarfs/shawls/pashminas she has, I always have a little groan. She’s walking around the kitchen like Stevie Nicks with all this fabric and jewellery hanging off of her, and it’s all over the place, dipping in the bolognese sauce. That’s annoying.
    — onefortysevenone

  5. "If you can't handle me at my worst..." SHUT THE FUCK UP
    — thejabiskey

  6. Dr. Oz's stupid face
    — ARealBillsFan

  7. people on social media giving terrible "medical" advice. "my husband has stage IV metastatic brain cancer" "have you tried essential oils? they work miracles!"
    — anddakota

  8. Memes outside of the internet. Hearing the word 'meme.'
    — Jay985

  9. An email from the boss mark High Priority.
    — IrianJaya

  10. Someone asking a question just to sound smart. The same guy at my work always makes meetings 20 minutes longer than they need to be just to suck up to the boss.
    — bitterlyyours

  11. One of those "traffic snakes" where 20 consecutive cars on the highway all come to a complete stop ONLY because they were all up each others' asses.
    — scottevil110

  12. Car in front of me merging at 35mph into 65mph traffic
    — textbookamerican

  13. Facebook. I really wish it wasn't the only way to keep up with my family.
    — Average-as-hell

  14. 21-40 year old women posting cutesy shit about wine on social media.

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