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The year is 2090, how will you describe 2017 to your grandkids?

  1. I'd be 115 years old so if I were still alive and coherent enough to speak; I'm pretty sure my description of 2017 would closely resemble a speech made by Grandpa Simpson.
    — socratesphilosophy45

  2. “It was lit, my dear beloved fam.”
    — Jolly_Bones

  3. It was a magical time, where we didn't fear for the drones if we couldn't afford our tithes to President Lil Xan Kushner III.
    — diphthing

  4. If I lived that long it would probably be: "baa...hgaaa...aargh...oooh...etc"
    — Garovix

  5. Back in my day things were shit
    — ChefSuperFune

  6. You could buy real chocolate from the corner store... with pocket change. You could enjoy real coffee without taking out a loan.
    — EB01

  7. *ooohhh children, how young you are. I feel bad this is what the world has become, when I was a kid, we could go wherever we wanted, we weren't locked up by robots. robots served us instead... then Mecha-Hitler and Zombie Mao just, they just... I can't talk about that... 2019 was the last good year, and I hope you can live days as free as those one day* *dies*
    — EchoChamber10

  8. Considering I'd be almost 120 years old I'd probably just drool a lot. Maybe even spit out some incomprehensible gibberish.
    — infernal_warhog

  9. "We used to have fresh air, clean water and winter"
    — deedeec

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