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Any age 40+ people out there, what advice would you give to yourself that just turned 30?

  1. Beware of the sunken cost fallacy. Just because you've invested a lot of time, emotion, or money in a business or relationship does NOT mean that you're obligated to stay with it. So much time wasted. So much.
    — OMGEntitlement

  2. If you’re not regularly exercising and eating well, start right this second and commit to it. As you age into your 40s your body becomes less forgiving of your indulgences, and it becomes *much* harder to start from zero. And when your body starts to fail you in new unfamiliar ways, it’s a lot easier to recover if you’re in good shape.
    — Zer0_Karma

  3. You might feel loyal to a company, they have no such feelings to you.
    — CdrVimes

  4. Quit the job you hate before you burn out.
    — braille_animalia

  5. Don't ignore signs of bad health even though you feel fine. Just saying "It always happens", "I'll just get better" and "It's nothing" can snowball into serious problems. You never know the true value of good health until you lose it.
    — unknown_super

  6. Stay in shape. Don't take it for granted that you can touch your toes, pick up a dime from the floor, walk up three flights of stairs without getting winded, take the dog for a walk, play with a three year old for 2 hours, etc. It's so much less effort to stay in shape than it is to try to regain it!
    — FrankDrakman

  7. Stop smoking, dumbass.
    — Timitock

  8. Don't waste time, it fucking flies. 30 to 40 goes by pretty quick and 40 to 50 goes by even faster.
    — dagem

  9. 30s go 2x faster than 20s. Get to work fast on your dreams.
    — unicraven

  10. Get ready for some nasty hangovers.
    — Demshil4higher

  11. You can still find the perfect partner later in life. Don't settle for someone less than what you want just because you think your time is running out to find true love.
    — Lastredditname

  12. Does 50+ count? I would emphasize the power of planning. Whatever you want to do, draw a plan, follow through, adapt, keep going. I learned this way too late in life.
    — wordserious

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