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What advice used to be useful but isn’t valid anymore?

  1. Don't talk to strangers on the internet. ...Hello, strangers on the internet.
    — hansn

  2. Keep a quarter in your pocket in case you need to use a payphone
    — 0v3reasy

  3. Calling someone collect from the payphone and using the time allowed to record your name for them to relay a quick message like "come get me" or "meet me at the park" They would still get the message and you saved a quarter. Used to do this with my parents all the damn time.
    — imnotacrazyperson

  4. Perhaps the idea that if you want a better job you should work especially hard and climb your way up through your current company. I feel advancing in your workplace based on merit isn't as common as it used to be. You don't typically "rise through the ranks" in one company. Instead, you gain experience and then migrate to companies who have an opening for the position you want.
    — angederoses

  5. "A good password is 8 characters long"
    — Oerldof

  6. To get a job you have to show up in person and apply. Irl most places only have online applications anymore. Then you have to get through whatever stupid quiz they have to determine if youre a good fit fir the comoany. You can be rejected from a job without ever speaking to anyone.
    — Zert420

  7. Printing your directions from Mapquest before you start your road trip. With smartphones that’s not necessary.
    — bluemaeve

  8. Just get any degree. You'll be able to land a job afterwards.
    — Procrastinator91

  9. Having laptop batteries discharge completely all the time. If it's a li-ion battery it's bad for it and cause it to wear down quicker.
    — hundycougar

  10. If you stay loyal to the company, they will notice and reward it.
    — atlasraven

  11. “Just walk in and ask to talk to the manager! They will hire you!” No. They will be pissed off you wasted their time. And direct you to the website where you can upload your resume Then type your same resume into the boxes Then do a personality quiz Then have a robot analyze keywords and reject you as a “theft risk”
    — bobnojio

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