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Anyone here ever turn down a marriage proposal? What was the reasoning behind the no?

  1. My wife had passed away about two weeks before and I got a Facebook message from a woman I went to high school with telling me she has been waiting for me and is ready to move out of her parents house into mine. She also said she was ready to marry me and become my son's new mother. As you can tell it was a total non-starter.
    — Cidjackaries

  2. I caught my high school boyfriend cheating on me with multiple girls. His plan to salvage the relationship? Propose to me, as I’m sobbing, 10 minutes after stumbling across all the evidence. I said no.
    — theawkwardhippo

  3. My mom had a sweetheart who got her name tattooed on his arm. And *then* proposed. She said no. Interestingly, he eventually married someone with the same name as my mom.
    — tinyahjumma

  4. God yes. I was 19 and living away from home to go to uni. My flatmate's boyfriend's flatmate decided that he was in love with me. I didn't realise this until much later. Rewind to a couple of months previous. Unbeknown to me, I found myself on a double date when we all went clubbing together. I just thought we were friends hanging out. Similar types of things kept happening. I was very niave and I didn't realise he was into me, I just thought he was socially awkward and a general try-hard, not just trying to impress me in particular. Then I noticed that he would drive past my house slowly quite frequently and upon questioning my flatmate, she said he had been asking a tonne of questions about me and she had been telling him everything. Said flatmate amped things up and ditched him and I together at a club that none of my other actual friends went to and, because it was before mobile phones were common, he offered to share a cab with me. She told me later it's because she thinks I needed a boyfriend, that's the only reason she pushed crazy onto me. Anyway, on the way home he tried to make the moves on me. I rejected him. He got angry at me. I got out of the cab, ran a few blocks home and berated my flatmate (who was supposed to give me a ride home). I told her and her boyfriend I want nothing to do with that creep. The next day he turns up at my house with a bunch of flowers and a marriage proposal. I gave a disgusted no and then went off on everyone. He got angry and showed his true colours of being a controlling abusive arsehole which only just proved how right I was. I don't even remember his name now.
    — colncarpenter

  5. Me and him only had been dating two weeks. It was the first time I was over his house. I was 18 him 23 and he invited his friends over to meet me. He began to play a nevershoutnever song that goes like 'baby I love you I never want to let you go' and his friends were encouraging him to sing along. Cringe. Okay so after the song he goes babyyyy I love you and I go Ahhhh haha yeah so he got down on one knee and pulled out a rather expensive looking ring from God knows where and goes 'will you marry me?' entire time while the friends like video taped it??? I go we've been together two weeks this is too quick and he goes well I know you're the one. Yeah I told him let me get something in my car first like makeup so I can look good for a picture and I drove away instead and blocked him right after.
    — Blair_Bubbles

  6. I was 15. That's probably as much as you need to know, but this is askreddit so story time. I met this guy on a metal forum on nexopia. We hit it off pretty well and started dating and then met in person. He wanted to get together every day. At first, this was nice. 1 month in he wrote me a poem and got me flowers. Kind of sweet, but that's when I started getting kind of uncomfortable. Then he started getting upset about my friends and would call all the time to make sure I wasn't with them. By 3 months in he was the only person I saw other than my sister and my mom for brief periods (she was working 2 jobs). And then he asked me to marry him. Did I mention he was 18? I said no and said I needed some time apart. So he kept calling every day to tell me how he loves me. Then I broke up with him and he said his friend has a machete and he's thinking of going to get it. I don't know if he was threatening me, or threatening to hurt himself, or someone else. I didn't really want to know. I had wanted to live with my dad for a while anyways so I just moved across the country.
    — DaughterEarth

  7. A buddy of mine proposed to his gf. She said 'ugh, fine . I don't want to be one of those girls who says No'. 8 years later they have 2 kids and are absolutely miserable!
    — bravo1515

  8. I did. I've posted about this before. We went to the same small middle and high school together, started dating after high school/in college. He was smart, funny, loved music (was an incredibly musician, actually), and we laughed a lot together. We were together 4 years. After we graduated college, I slowly realized that he just never grew up. Never took responsibility. Screwed around, smoked pot ALL DAY LONG (seriously, lit up when he woke up and stayed high all day), couldn't be bothered to take any responsibility around the house, was spending us into debt, stayed up all night and I had to drag his ass to work so he didn't get fired...I could go on and on. It just wasn't the life I wanted to live. I wanted him to grow up. I finally told him I wanted to a break to figure stuff out. We 'talked it out', which really meant him trying to convince me I was unhappy because I didn't like my job and I just should just be more inspired, quit my job, do something else. Our problems were all my fault and I just needed to be happier and everything would be great. Next day, same lazy-ass bullshit as before. So after about another month I left him. I did love him but I knew he wasn't the one for me. I wasn't going to nag him to be a different person and he clearly wasn't responding to my feedback, so it would would never work. It was so damn hard to try to explain that you just knew it wouldn't work out. A little while after I left, he says I can come by to pick up some stuff I left behind. I was doing overnights, showed up at 8am after a shift and he was standing outside in a suit and I just knew what he was going to do. I read his letter, listened to the CD he made me, watched him get on one knee (I tried a bunch to head him off but he wanted his say), then just told him it was a lot to take in and I needed to think about it - which got me out of the house. Later, on the phone, I told him no. It was incredibly hard, but I stuck to my guns and I know it was the right decision. He turned pretty bitter and wasn't always the kindest, so we lost touch. Hope he's doing well.
    — yoteachcaniborrowpen

  9. I was 14. He was in his 20s. My parents pressured me to marry him because of finances and sponsorship for a greencard in the US. I was young and scared, but actually considered it. My parents were disappointed but okay when I said no. I waited until I was 21 and married the right man.
    — sapphiresunsets

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