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If you could send one item that costs less than 3$ back to the stone age, what would you send?

  1. As many images of me as I can buy for $3. I will be idolized as a god and eventually my birth will come around and it will be as foretold in an ancient prophecy. I'll be showered with wealth and power.
    — machomoose

  2. A crate of used tissues from people who have the flu.
    — BillionTonsHyperbole

  3. A bag of seed corn. I think if I buy direct from the source I could get a good sized bag. What we have now has been bred so much to be better food that it is very different from what exists back then, so if it takes hold and spreads we are looking at a lot more food back then. Now we just need someone to send heirloom tomatoes and jalapeños and we can move chips and salsa up by 10,000 years
    — Frith_ofthe_Forests

  4. A couple lighters. Just make it a little easier for them for a bit.
    — Meghalomaniaac

  5. 1,000,000 fidget spinners, they are very cheap these days
    — OhAces

  6. Myself cuz if I bang just one caveman chick I'll have basically banged so many of your moms
    — buttchuck

  7. A jar of honey with an image of a bee on it, just to speed things along for them. If we can send back items we own already, A Furby, hooked up to a ass-ton of batteries. They'll worship it as an idol and hopefully people in the present will stop calling them possessed. No one's died on the Furby production line, they're not possessed.
    — RottenPeachSmell

  8. As many rough-cut metal knife blanks as possible, no handle, to keep the cost down. I figure with careful shopping I could get three dozen. The tribe that got those would flat-out rule their world for a while. The knives would be on the pointy end of the spears that take out the woolly rhino and cave bear, so they can eat. They would be able to drive off the neighboring tribe that's after their supplies and women. They would be passed down for generations, and be proof that this tribe was God's Golden Tribe. Still not decided what logo to engrave on the knives though - dickbutt?
    — too_generic

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