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What is the #1 sign of an asshole on reddit?

  1. People who negatively answer questions that don't pertain to them. "Drinkers of Reddit, ...." "I don't drink so no."
    — opus_4_vp

  2. People who don't read the article but feel the need to comment anyways.
    — g34rg0d

  3. Folks who read way too far into a simple comment and reply with a flaming shitatorm
    — Angry_Grizzly_Bear

  4. I have over 40,000 Reddit points? How many do you have? Like 500?
    — Cyber_Connor

  5. People who think their opinion is the only sane one. >i dont like this but you do so u must be crazy Yeah fuck u.
    — ifntchingyu

  6. People that wanna argue when you try to give them advice that they asked for.
    — realogtrix

  7. Their attitude when they meet something out of their sandbox of beliefs
    — randomdevil2101

  8. The question is "what is your most controversial opinion" or something of that nature, and you actually answer something that is either nonconventional, controversial, or an unusual or otherwise unorthodox opinion, yet you still get furious downvotes and a lot of hate.
    — llcucf80

  9. "EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!". They aren't really assholes but I always end up with miffed cabbages whenever I see that edit.
    — Shaletto

  10. You are new to a hobby, you go to a related subreddit and gatekeepers tear you a new one. Thankfully it has never happened to me, but I saw it happen to other users.
    — tortiesrock

  11. Had a guy copy and paste a comment I made that got a lot of karma and made the top of the thread it was in. I guess he saw the question, looked up what got a lot of karma the last time the question was asked, and just stole the top answer. He didn't even try to edit it. It was literally just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. His answer was getting all kinds of upvotes until I came along and recognized a story I told about my late uncle. I called him on it, with a reference to my original. Dude deleted the comment and ran for the hills. But I'm sure he's still doing that shit to other people.
    — thudly

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