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What WOULD you wish on your own worst enemy?

  1. Self awareness of every shit thing they've done. I honestly don't think there's any other punishment that 1. causes a lot of long-lasting anguish AND 2. actually helps then learn their lesson instead of just making them defensive and even more jerkish.
    — MyPersonalEversong

  2. A change of heart.
    — Wienerwrld

  3. Have a constant eyelash in their eye that they can’t get rid of
    — BeatySwallocks

  4. To realise how fucked up what they did was, be aware of it and filled with crippling regret for the rest of their lives.
    — CombustibleMeow

  5. To be continually reincarnated as all the people they hurt, and live those lives in full one after another, so they receive all the pain they inflicted.
    — statelessfaithless

  6. To sweat peanut butter and cry honey. Sweating will only make them get warmer as they become insulated in the PB, and then they sweat more PB. Crying the honey will burn their eyes, causing them to cry more honey. Shouldn't take long before they become insane.
    — DeadStranger

  7. That their next shite is a hedgehog.
    — Dynamicaccount1028

  8. To hit every red light ever
    — soundsfromoutside

  9. A long life, an unsatisfying job, disappointing marriage and ungrateful kids.
    — MerlinCyning

  10. For their clothes to be forever uncomfortable: itchy tags, wedgies at the worst times, scratchy fabric. MWAHAHAHAAAA
    — QueenofMehhs

  11. To have their dick mashed into their body until it became a vagina
    — jake_patriots11

  12. To have a little stone in their shoe that they can never get rid of.
    — Dammitgotme

  13. To have a popcorn shell stuck on the very back of the tongue not deep enough to slide down but just far enough to make you gag like hell with your finger
    — Judebazz

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