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Reddit, what personal projects are you working on?

  1. My hobby is 3D modelling for a race sim, and my biggest current project is this car: Its cool to build something realistic from literally nothing.
    — Acc87

  2. Remodeling this house. Trying to get it ready to sell it in spring. A million things have gone wrong since we started. Every appliance has stopped working, door handles falling off. Dead animals on our back deck (I'm not making it up, 2 squirells and a possum out there, that's never happened before) We've just taken to calling it "the curse"
    — Brocky70

  3. Bodybuilding and yoga - I am an old man (by reddit standards) and I have a young son so I am putting in the work to keep up with him so I can play hard for as long as he still thinks my company is cool.
    — Danger_Zone

  4. Learning Esperanto. I like the concept, it's simple, and since I enjoy learning new things about languages it should be fun!
    — D4RKS0UL23

  5. Trying to get my life back together after I had no clue where I was heading for the past 2 years and just did whatever.
    — BerserkD91

  6. I am knitting myself a scarf. I have been knitting myself a scarf, on and off, for four years now. It will be a mighty scarf when I am done.
    — Fruitloops_for_B

  7. Losing weight, 38 years old I left my wife and got an apartment. No passion or love between us. Can't remember the last time there was any affection. She was my grumpy roommate who helped with bills, that's it My apartment has a gym so I've been running 2 miles every day and lifting weights. Don't know what I should be doing in the gym but I always leave dripping with sweat. Got a FitBit tracker and am counting every calorie. Currently running a 800 calorie deficit everyday Terrified to re-enter the dating world Excited to get back to being myself
    — HackChef

  8. Trying to make a Tinder profile that doesn't make me look like a total tool or dweeb.
    — rashondala

  9. Writing a novel and also a PhD, so carpal tunnel seems likely.
    — teashoesandhair

  10. I'm writing a story, a fantasy about how my life would have been if I'd made a different decision at one point of life, which is in past. If you get it.
    — consciouslyoblivious

  11. I'm part of a team that's volunteering to authentically restore every detail of a magnificent Victorian house and eventually offer it to the public for viewing.
    — Back2Bach

  12. I'm writing some poems and making DIY books of poetry with those poems.
    — I_A_H_G_S

  13. I'm selling my own art at my first convention artist alley this summer, so I'm currently making a series of graphic buttons. :D
    — likesdrawingdogs

  14. I'm making a full circle, ankle length, lacy, crocheted skirt. The crochet is nearly done, with an estimated 160 hours going into it, and about 15 balls of cotton. I'm also planning on making a lining skirt, and ombre dyeing the whole thing. I'm mostly happy with it but there are a few issues. I was working off a chart with no direction in terms of size, so the whole thing is a little bigger than it needs to be. Just kind of hoping it doesn't end up looking like a giant tablecloth.
    — TheFeralBookworm

  15. My friend and I have written a children's book entirely in verse, and recently found an illustrator!
    — lavender_jackalope_

  16. I am working on a simple android app to add some smart home functionalities to my apartment. I'm starting off really small, right now I am working on getting my app to connect to an arduino that turns a motor which flicks the lights on and off. Next I'm going to make a mount for the arduino in Solidworks and get that 3D printed. If that set up works Im going to upscale and do the same with all the light switches in my apartment. After that I had the idea that I could set up spotify playlists that have one specific song on them and I could use my alexa to access them (i.e. "Alexa, play my turn on bedroom lights playlist"). Then decipher that song using another arduino and depending on the song turn on a specific set of lights with the ones mounted on the wall. I know there are like a million better and cheaper ways to do this, but its the one I thought of myself. So far its been hella frustrating at times but also a lot of fun.
    — credits_equal_debts

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