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Guys who eat ass, why?

  1. Taint far from what I was eating
    — nonameforyou1234

  2. Like my grandma always said “if you won’t eat it you shouldn’t stick your dick in it”.
    — InimitableFloridian

  3. Cause of the noise that she'll make. It's pretty satisfying.
    — Big_Stereotype

  4. Only done it once with a girl whom I love and miss dearly. Did it because we joked around about it for a while. One Saturday morning, things got kinda heated. I jokingly told her I was going to eat her ass. She said DO IT and so I did. Idk why I did but I certainly don't regret it. She seemed to like it.
    — Moukais

  5. Because when my dick is hard and I’m super turned on I lose brain function, in that moment I could probably be talked into most anything.
    — rusty_rampage

  6. Girls like it, I'm dirty. What more do you want?
    — SableLungs

  7. Am a woman. I eat my boyfriend's ass like I'm late for Thanksgiving dinner. It took some coaxing but my lick function gives him his best orgasms. Make sure it's clean, lick it, then bleach your mouth and rinse and repeat.
    — Sit_less_move_more

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