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Where DON'T you want to be when the zombie outbreak starts?

  1. My work. People flock to a pharmacy when they feel sick. That means I’m fucked.
    — kindofadrugexpert

  2. People have said while taking a shit. But you know how *The Walking Dead* and *28 Days Later* start in hospitals? I'd really hate to be in the middle of giving birth.
    — trust_my_shadow

  3. The Walmart parking lot.
    — ThinkerPlus

  4. On a plane with atleast 1 zombie...
    — Marquez1889

  5. Having disrobed and tied myself up on the bed for the Mrs. to find when she gets out of the shower.
    — OrangeTabbyTwinSis

  6. NYC. Sorry New Yorkers, you will die pretty soon
    — Cosminion

  7. A train to Busan.
    — 6ananas

  8. Traffic jam.
    — slepowron

  9. ITT: 1/2 of Reddit wisely avoiding populated places. 1/2 of Reddit not wanting to be on the can. Taking a shit doesn’t sound so bad for a zombie break out: you have your phone; you’re protected by the stall (with shoes on to kick); likely the bathroom locks; likely clean running water for a few days; likely have a plunger or other basic weapon.
    — FourWordComment

  10. Manhattan.
    — hahaitwasme

  11. At a zombie convention
    — jjjeffery

  12. A big city. Immediately gonna drive as deep into the countryside as I can.
    — TheSorge

  13. At work. Work in a hospital Probably the worst place one could be. Everyone coming there for help and turning into zombies, then the patients turn into zombies, and then I turn into zombie...quick. At least I wouldn't have to worry about surviving zombie apocalypse know, I'd be a zombie in the first hour. Edit: when I see more than two or three "Assault - bite wound" I'm out so quick, the wall will have a hole in it shaped like my silhouette
    — F8G9

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