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People who noped right out of a friendship, what was your breaking point with that friend?

  1. He asked my girlfriend for nudes. She delivered.
    — Dom3495

  2. I always asked her to hangout and she always claimed to be busy. Easy enough to believe. One day I asked and as usual she says no—working. 15 minutes later she texts saying “I’m here”. Confused, I said “oh did you take off work?”. Her reply: “oh.. wrong person haha”. Haha indeed.
    — lizzylizzo123

  3. Constant negativity. No matter what. Came home one one day looking drained & unhappy after spending the afternoon with her. My mom said to me: You always look this way after spending time with [friend]. And I was like I always *feel* this way after spending time with her. Huge eye opener. Cut the cord that day.
    — 3PinkPotatoes

  4. She got angry at me and demanded an apology. I didn’t know what I’d done, plus she had raging crazy pregnancy hormones. I asked what it was for, and she told me I knew what I’d done and she wouldn’t speak to me again until I apologized. At the time I was CRUSHED. But as the days and weeks passed, I began to see how toxic she was. I found new hobbies. Life moved on. In hindsight, I’m glad she ended our friendship - life is a lot better without her. By the way- I’m pretty she she was angry because I didn’t get excited enough over a $6000 crib she was thinking about buying for the baby. I just couldn’t get excited about a $6000 piece of furniture that would be used for two or three years at most. Edit: the crib was just a crib. It didn’t convert into a toddler bed or daybed. It wasn’t even handmade by an Amish carpenter who bathed in water from a Tibetan spring or some crap like that. It was made in China and it was sold in a store that specialized in overpriced crap for people who have no financial skills.
    — heyrainyday

  5. She was always angry at someone often for something she did. She didn't get along with people & she as proud of being difficult. Eventually I realized while I loved her when we were children, I no longer cared for the person she had grown into.
    — FamiliarNameMissing_

  6. Came home from a work trip that lasted a few days, he was my roommate and was taking care of my cat for me. He got angry, slammed my cat into a wall and broke it's leg. No matter how long I've known him, how many times I've felt burned by him in my life and how many times I've been forgiving, he hurt my little buddy. EDIT: wow! thank you everyone for all your support! here is a link to some pictures I've taken of my kitty over the years . His name is Shanks and he is nearly 2 years old now. You people are so kind and compassionate even though half of you have given me tips on how to hide a body or describing what you would do to hurt someone :)
    — gestures_to_penis

  7. I realised that none of them considered me a friend and were just keeping me around because they thought it was funny and sad. Ditched all of them, made some actual friends.
    — JacenFluke

  8. He had a drinking problem and it started to become me baby sitting him whenever he got drunk because he'd just be a liability and eventually after trying to talk with him about it and him not accepting it I just kinda stopped hanging around him.
    — luca423

  9. When her boyfriend that we became friends with through their relationship posted in our friend group chat about struggling with depression and that he had to redo a year of college. In response, she wrote a long essay about what a lazy sack of shit he was that would never amount to anything because he didn't try hard enough. This was one of many of the crazy nightmarish things she did, like call him 70+ times in an hour. My other friend and I realized that we actually liked him a lot more and that she was an abusive shit heel and dropped her. He's now one of my longest lasting best friends so it was the right choice.
    — natlesia

  10. He wrapped a rope around another friends throat and then attempted to stab me EDIT: For all those asking for a backstory, he was a really bad friend, he tried to choke my buddy because he stole his seat, and when I confronted him he pulled out the knife and went postal
    — CrypticConscience

  11. I was in a party with my friends when he started to make shit up about me to make me look bad in front of the girl he liked. He didn't get the girl and I stopped talking to him after that.
    — legenj

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