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What's the most fucked up thing you've ever seen at work?

  1. A homeless man living in the corner of the garden center at Walmart. He set up camp behind the industrial shelves. Stole a tent and was living there for a week. He was shoplifting all his supplies and food. Got ballsy and stole a George Foreman grill and was cooking a steak at 2am. FD was called for smoke in the building and found him behind the shelves. Was a pretty solid plan actually.
    — BlomFontain

  2. Colleague's fingers got chopped off while cleaning the bagel cutter. It could not be unseen. Fuck the night shift.
    — unitetheworkers

  3. Years back, I saw a mentally-challenged man have his ankle run over by a forklift. He couldn't stop shrieking from the pain and confusion. It was horrific.
    — PulpMonkey66

  4. There was a woman at Target yelling at her 5 year old son for crying and embarrassing her. I mean she was screaming things like "YOU RUINED MY LIFE, YOU LITTLE SHIT" etc... Luckily the manager told her to leave and called social services after she not-so-subtly threatened him.
    — ludotheo

  5. While working at Walmart, I watched a woman grab a jar of organic peanut butter, smash the glass bottle on the ground, and use the shards to cut her face. After slicing the fuck out of her face she ran up to my stunned ass and asked to see a manager. I walkie'ed somebody over and the manager rushed her into the office while asking me to call 911. Apparently she was an addict and jonesing hard. She figured the best thing to do was get hurt at Walmart so they would give her "a million dollars for pain and suffering". Shockingly enough, Walmart didn't pay out to the junkie that cut up her own face.
    — ripbains

  6. Saw a girl OD on heroin in the bathroom. She was a manager at the time, and none of us knew she was into heroin. One day she was in the bathroom a little too long, and when we went to investigate, the door was locked and she was unresponsive. My boss and I jimmied the lock and broke in. We found her face down, covered in her own shit and vomit. Her entire body was swollen and grey and cold. She was eventually taken away by ambulance and was clinically dead on the trip to the hospital. By some miracle, she ended up surviving. She no longer works at my place of employment anymore, but people still see her strung out on street corners. Don't do heroin it's a dead end.
    — m0dulate

  7. I’m a teacher, and I have a set of twins in my class. One of the parents came in for a meeting and claimed to be responsible for only one education of one twin, while the absentee parent was in charge of the other twin. So the meeting consisted of praise for one while the other half consisted of complaints about the other.. Mind you, the students are in the room during the meetings...
    — DaughterOfTriton2

  8. I work in a call centre so nothing exciting like burnt kids like that comment above (grim) Someone did take a shit in the middle of the floor once though. We didn’t see them do it but there was a human shit on the carpet in the middle of the office.
    — madoffman

  9. I worked in a nursery and a hyper kid was running around like a lunatic, before we could stop him he ran into the bathroom and slipped. He slammed his head into the edge of one of the toilets, tore open his forehead - we could see his skull!
    — fr3akylb

  10. I’ll give you the top two... A burnt baby getting CPR and A 5 year old hit in the head by a bullet. You can’t unsee that.
    — alncole

  11. A girl who cheated on her boyfriend with a guy that also worked there, went to the guy and asked to speak, later she started screaming saying that he raped her, just so she wouldn’t be called a “cheater”. She was taken to HR and started grabbing stuff and throwing it at people and then the guys from security came and asked her to leave.
    — adrandomdri

  12. While working night shift in a dementia care home, this one gentleman's callmat didn't go off as he got out of bed and spent half an hour or so decorating his room with poop. The sheets, walls, his entire body, mugs, pictures on the wall... Everything was covered. He was also fairly young (early 60s) and strong, so we needed 3 carers to try and keep him under the shower, while gently restraining him as of not to hurt him, while trying not to get a face full of manpoop, while one of us was cleaning the room. Can't decide which one of us got the short straw.
    — albunndyy

  13. A spool of welding wire fell out of the overhead welder and nearly cut a guys leg off.
    — Brock1313

  14. Well it happened during my interview at Five Guys back when I was in high school. I didn’t see much of it after but I saw what he did. One of the new guys who just got hired right before me was being shown the fry area and he dropped something in the fryer. He sticks his hand right in to it. He went DEEP. He didn’t grab what he dropped. The general manager Superman tossed him off there and instinctively started wrapping the guys hand. All while the guy is screaming at the top of his lungs kicking around. General Manager is yelling why did you do that?! That oil was on!! Other manager is calling an ambulance. The general manager then says to other one, “half of his is melted/fried”. Blood all over the general managers clothes. Customers start leaving, kids start crying cause they don’t know what’s going on. Chaos in just a few seconds. We closed for the day and were open the next day but business was eerily quite for the next few months I worked there. Don’t touch oil. Ever. I have no clue what happened to him afterwards.
    — Viquh

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