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What’s your “I hate that I know that” fact?

  1. In elementary school I memorized the license plate of the girl I had a crush on...and I still remember it. I'm not proud of that.
    — rosefromtheconcrete

  2. The majority of “Code Blue” patients in the hospital die. We can bring them most of them back for a little while, but only 10-20 percent make it out of the hospital. If they do make it, they likely have severe deficits and poor quality of life. I don’t know offhand how many survivors die within a year of discharge but I probably don’t want to know that either. Many times it’s a frail elderly person who wasn’t allowed a dignified death :( If your beloved 90 year old granny with dementia is in the hospital and the doctors or nurses urge you to consider putting a “Do not resuscitate” order on them, please consider it. And for the love of god, if granny has DNR wishes on HERSELF and then becomes incapacitated, please don’t revoke it.
    — grrb88

  3. Octopuses rip their penises off so the female can fuck herself with it
    — cheapmillionaire

  4. Whale's penises can be up to fifteen feet. Their dick itself can be almost up to 1000 lbs. They nut like 40 pints of sperm at a time.
    — pupperbee

  5. House cats that have been abandoned by their owners after moving will try to get into homes of strangers because they know they belong in a house.
    — IzarkKiaTarj

  6. The youngest mother on record was five years old.
    — YabooshWabowsky

  7. If a person dies with a baby inside of them, they can expel the baby due to gas build up from decomposition in what's called a coffin birth (post-mortem birth). EDIT: To clarify, all coffin babies are born dead. By the time decomposition sets in the mother, the mother would have been dead for quite some time; without the mother's heart pumping blood to the baby, the baby will die unless delivered through c-section within a few minutes after death (they have around 4-5 minutes from what I've read, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!).
    — DirtyAngelToes

  8. There is an unacceptably high chance that the burglar alarm for your business isn't actually working or being monitored, due to internal data entry, programming and install issues.
    — Typical_Samaritan

  9. I just realized the other day that my birthday is 9 months after my moms birthday almost to the day.
    — HappyLittleRadishes

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