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Oldies of reddit... Who thinks they are the oldest user on reddit? How old are you? and what else do you get up to on the internet?

  1. 92 Just news and email mostly. Some Amazon.
    — cbpoppy

  2. 75 Grandma (76 next April) and I spend at least six hours a day on the internet, mostly reading, reading, reading and some writing. I use Reddit for laughs, for fun, for knowledge and to keep up with all you whippersnappers loitering on my lawn. ಠ_ಠ
    — challam

  3. 77 - use the internet to gain info and keep up with news. Read a variety of sites, left and right and keep Snopes on speed dial. Shop online (Amazon has 3 ply toilet paper) - a bit of an info junkie.
    — Phil330

  4. Seventy-four (bloke), no social media, but just about everything else. Surf, email, investing, banking, learning, buying stuff, occasional perving. An everyday activity for one thing or another, but I'm still blown away by the fact that the internet exists at all. Oldies who still have a healthy curiosity will usually find their way in, while to others it remains a formidable mystery.
    — crnapyz

  5. 68 year old guy here. On-line banking. Planning journeys using public transport (over 65's get free use of buses and some trains in the U.K. ) Read articles and watch videos on any subject that I think I might find interesting. Chat on forums, principally cycling ones. Play Illyriad. Been doing that for about five years now. Just getting into playing Paths of Exile.
    — Biker14

  6. 61 - F Been using computers since 1988 and the internet since the early 90s. I can remember telling my friends that I was buying my Christmas gifts online, and them all being shocked, just *shocked* that I would actually give a website my credit card information!! **Never!** they all said. I play games through Steam, read news, stay in touch with family using Facebook (but have blocked all ads & political news there), online banking, pay bills, monitor my investments, plan trips, buy a lot of stuff except fresh food, participate in some small, private discussion boards with some practicing scientists, teach online, watch movies / TV shows, etc. While I remember using road maps instead of GPS, writing snail mail letters, and typing papers on a typewriter, I find that my life is much more interesting and productive with computers / internet. I'm continually impressed with new apps and services I can use with my phone or tablet.
    — STEM_Educator

  7. I just had my 69th birthday and just passed my 4 year anniversary on reddit but I am sure I am not the oldest one here. A younger bf turned me on to reddit. And weirdly enuf I used to own a bbs. in the 80's. Reddit is like a bbs. on steroids x 1,000,000. What else do I do? I pay all my bills, do all my banking, trade stocks all on the net. I may be old but I know a useful tool when I see one. Oh and this same guy got me on FB, even though I owned the stock I had never been on it. And while I don't use FB a lot one thing it has done is put me in touch with relatives I don't live close to especially my nieces and nephews.
    — txholdup

  8. 78 here and working on 79 in March. Read reddit every morning thanks to my ipad.
    — zzoleguy

  9. Seventy four year old here. I got on the internet in the mid-eighties when there just wasn't much there. I remember only e-mail and usenet discussion groups. I got hooked right away. Now I use it for just about everything. News, travel, entertainment, finance. Can't figure out how I ever got along without it. Edit: I just thought it might be worthwhile to mention that I had my first programming course as a junior in college in 1962. When I graduated in 1964, I had all of the CS courses the college offered. All two of them.
    — MadPat

  10. 60 Banking, youtube, shopping, Spotify, Duolingo, and plenty of arguing on Reddit. Had Skype sex with a Peruvian woman a while back.
    — mean_mr_mustard75

  11. I love how normal the oldies usernames are. Waiting to find an obnoxious 70 year old user of XXXoldcandy69 going against the grain of grandmaslastname
    — RussFrusciante

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