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What book was so bad that you stopped reading it?

  1. Mein Kampf was a damn chore to read.
    — Sarcastic__

  2. Don't crucify me, but before I fully understood what it was, *Dianetics*. It was the 90's and it was all over the TV being advertised as this great self help book. It was a mess right from the get go.
    — RunBSC

  3. La Chatte TL;DR of the book according to my French Lit prof: guy screws up his marriage because he's actually in love with his cat (which symbolises his childhood or something).
    — ellieellieoxenfree

  4. "The Fault In Our Stars". I was already kind of on the fence about John Green. I got to the part where Hazel yells at Augustus for smoking, and Augustus explains that he actually just puts unlit cigarettes in his mouth so he can feel close to death. Nope, sorry, not finishing this one.
    — wisebloodfoolheart

  5. The 5th Wave. I shut the book the moment the love interest was introduced. I cannot take any character who is allegedly a fucking alien assassin and yet stll falls in love with a teenage girl at first sight, while he's literally got orders to just murder her. What, did he literally fall so hopelessly in love with her the second he spotted her through his gun's sights? Is that how that worked? He's a fucking alien, any alien worth his salt would just shoot the stupid little cow (whose name is *Cassiopeia*, btw) the second he lined the shot up, but no, this guy apparently took the time to fall in love with her for superficial reasons, and recover his humanity, all because she's presumably pretty, I guess? Piss off.
    — jentlefolk

  6. Fifty Shades of Gray. I wanted to see for myself if Gray was as much of an abuser as my sexual kin said he was. He was. Edit: My fellow kinksters*. "Sexual Kin" sounds REALLY bad, I am NOT talking about blood relations.'s too funny a fuckup to delete.
    — Ticklish_Kink_Wife

  7. *And Another Thing...* The so-called "6th book" of the Hitchhiker's Guide series, NOT written by Douglas Adams. Sadly, not a worthy successor. My interest trailed off about halfway through. I miss the ol' nutter.
    — havron

  8. The Circle. I couldn’t get past how the main character wouldn’t stand up for herself with all the ridiculous stuff going on.
    — Floodtoflood

  9. The *Maximum Ride* novel *Saving The World and Other Extracurricular Activities*. The first two books were fun and pretty well written, but the third book is where shit hits the fan. Max (the leader of the group) begins to fall for the second-in-command Fang, and he *tries to convince her to leave the rest of the group (all of them under 13, two are under 10, and one is fucking blind) so that they can be in love and not have to deal with the rest of the group*. Meanwhile, 6 year old mutant Angel decides that she wants to take over the world and kill the other mutants and turns over the Flock to the Evil Scientists, who reveal that they have been existing within a simulation and that none of them have left the Evil Science Building, even though everything that existed within the simulation (including a mutant dog named Total, who has the ability to speak) still exists in the real world, despite the scientists claiming that these things do not exist. Characters with very defined personalities suddenly do random shit and things just *happen* for plot convenience. I'm glad I stopped reading; the series ends up with the 15 year old protagonist Max pregnant, the world destroyed, Angel becomes the One from the fuckin' Matrix, and nothing makes a lick of sense.
    — HeraJunoRhea

  10. Wicked. I dont know if it was the worst thing I've read, or if I'm just stupid, but it was very hard for me to follow and incredibly boring. I've seen the broadway musical, so I guess I was expecting something like that.
    — VeganSquash

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