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Married people of Reddit; How did getting married change your sex life?

  1. It's not marriage that changes it. It's having kids.
    — _tx

  2. Now we have sex with big metal rings on our fingers. Super kinky!
    — Name818

  3. We have the same amount of sex, but the first few times we made a point to call each other wife and husband while doin' it, because it was fun. Hahah
    — honeyedlife

  4. We can deduct more on our taxes it’s super hot.
    — Eliju

  5. Don’t have to wear a condom now so that’s pretty sweet
    — AJray15

  6. When we were dating we only saw each other during the weekends due to work/school, so we had sex like crazy when we saw each other. Now married and seeing each other everyday we have less amount of sex. Sounds a bit sad but we are a quality over quantity couple. Edit: a word.
    — BurgundyTequila

  7. I think getting older has more of an effect than being married.
    — MrsSquirry

  8. True story: I fucked a fair number of women before I got married. I met a girl, we had sex often, it was good, orgasms occurred. We got married, sex stayed good, for a while. Then slowly it died. When we got divorced we were down to sex MAYBE once a month. After the divorce I played the field a bit, lost some weight, improved my attitude. Dated some. Never really connected with anyone. Had sex here and there, good sex, even. Improved my confidence a good bit. My ex-wife did the exact same thing. Lost some weight, played the field, did some dating, had some sex. Some time passed and we found ourselves talking again. We got back together, my ex wife and I, last May, against the advice of every person we collectively know. Setting a goal to try and fix everything wrong we did initially, we've done some counseling, watched some videos, read some articles, etc... And let me say, our sex life has been goddamned incredible. We are borderline nymphos it would seem as I can't recall a day where we haven't had sex at least once in the last 3 months. Unless it was a particularly long work day and our schedules just didn't align. Life is strange.
    — CDC_

  9. I've done a significant amount of research on this subject, so now I get to share it with all of you! Here's my three marriages. 1. Sex dropped off a cliff as soon as we were married. Only once the entire honeymoon. 2. Constant sex, but it was 100% about what she wanted and there seemed to be no concern about whether I was in the mood or not. I'm a man so I am expected to be horny and ready 24/7, 16hr day at work? Who cares, get to fucking. But if I ever dared ask for a blowjob it was like I had physically assaulted her. 3. Synchronicity, we have at least 5 times a week. I'm more concerned with her enjoying it and she's more concerned with me enjoying it. It's consistently great.
    — OnlyRacistOnReddit

  10. I got married once. Oddly resulted in more sex, not less. However! I later found out it was cause we were having problems and she thought having a baby would “solve” the problems. Yikes. Divooooorced.
    — AT5squared

  11. the final blow job of my marriage occurred on the last night of my honeymoon. (we're divorced now, phew)
    — chad_

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