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What is the most well-crafted introductory scene in a movie ever?

  1. The fake trailers/commercials in Tropic Thunder.
    — SmoreOfBabylon

  2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    — crapattf2

  3. Snatch- the diamond robbery
    — HotAssaultedNuts

  4. The Blues Brothers had an amazing opening scene of John Belushi being released.
    — BongRipsForNips

  5. Dairy farm scene in Inglorious Basterds
    — thereal_ninjabill

  6. I know it's cliche but Saving Private Ryan was very impactful
    — Spacedude50

  7. The Joker's, Bank Robbery Scene to open the The Dark Knight, was beautifully directed and set the tone for the rest of the movie
    — KronosIII

  8. The Prestige’s opening is hands down the best! It lays out the movie’s story structure, spells out the twist ending, and then essentially turns to the camera to say “but you will ignore this because you want to be fooled and entertained”
    — sqlleonhrt

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