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What completely real fact sounds like bullshit?

  1. In Texas you don't legally have to have a windshield, but you MUST have windshield wipers.
    — MrApplePolisher

  2. Mummies are rare to find because people would grind them up and use them in traditional medicines.
    — eldritchkraken

  3. Tumors can have hair and teeth. My sister had one on her ovary and when I told my biology teacher about it, she said I was lying.
    — ThatsThatMattressMan

  4. The platypus has no nipples, and will instead "sweat" milk for their cubs.
    — fredagsfisk

  5. The killer whale is a natural predator of the moose.
    — DickolasRage

  6. It takes a week to make a jellybean
    — Troutmuffin

  7. When wasps get aggressive towards the end of summer its because they are getting drunk off fermenting fruit on trees and cant handle their alcohol.
    — phatyack

  8. When Alois Alzheimer gave the first ever speech on the topic of the disease that would later be named after him -- one of the most important presentations in the history of medicine -- no one asked a single question or made any follow up comment... because they were all much more excited about the next guy on the schedule, [who was giving a talk on the topic of compulsive masturbation.](
    — Portarossa

  9. There's and old law that says that we (Danes) are allowed to hit Swedes with clubs if they walk across the ice of Øresund.
    — pugzy77X

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