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What word sounds really dirty, but actually isn't?

  1. Dongle.
    — erin45634

  2. Niggardly
    — gordodude

  3. Bumfiddle Which means to pollute or spoil something.
    — PM_me_ur_fav_undies

  4. Penal colony
    — LukeStanely

  5. Uvula, that hanging down thingy in the back of your throat.
    — Mpofu3

  6. Sackbut. It’s the ancestor of the trombone.
    — Swicket

  7. Spatchcocking a turkey.
    — mmania23

  8. Masticate, which means to chew.
    — -rabid-

  9. Kumquat
    — potterpockets

  10. Flange.
    — Hellbog

  11. Not sure about dirty but more offensive, niggardly. "Niggardly" (noun: "niggard") is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly". It can be traced back at least to the Middle English word nigon, which has the same meaning, and is related to the Old Norse verb nigla, which means "to fuss about small matters".[1]
    — BroChick21

  12. Manhole
    — BlomFontain

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