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What are some unethical ways to get an advantage?

  1. Make everybody think you're a bad liar. How is this unethical? Because you're actually a good liar, just when you actually do lie it's about something they can't necessarily prove was you but they also know that you're "horrible at lying" so they don't expect you to be lying.
    — Keinichn

  2. If I have an interview, I try to find the person(s) conducting the interview on social media and do a little stalking. I'll glean some information concerning their interests and hobbies, and when the interview veers towards the topic of my own hobbies, I'll bring their interests/hobbies up as my own. It's usually effective.
    — jasonappalachian

  3. Hire some thugs to break your competitor's knee so she would be unable to compete at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer.
    — sugaronmypopcorn

  4. /r/unethicallifeprotips
    — jreed26

  5. There was a girl who faked having a broken leg to get to the front of the line for a general admission concert. Still pisses me off to this day, but it worked so good for her I guess
    — sydthefuckdown

  6. Analyze why the people you are trying to get a leg up on do what they do. Than plan to attack those reasons.
    — UDtimburrhog

  7. Nepotism is probably the most common.
    — montagr

  8. Poison the other Flip Cup Team's beer.
    — White0nRye

  9. Using sex to cozy up to power. Sleeping your way to the top rather than doing any real work.
    — House_of_Suns

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