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Where do strangers socialize, that isn't a bar?

  1. I talk to new and different people almost everyday at my local dog park.
    — Osburn_Weedleaf

  2. ...reddit?
    — filthysick

  3. If you have a hobby, or at least an interest, theres probably a group/con/social page for it. At least that way you don't have to worry about pulling a conversation out of your ass.
    — wakka-wakka-wakka

  4. Locker rooms. *Helooooo SAILOR!*
    — thenewme2_0

  5. Going up and talking to a stranger is a weird way to make a new friend or to find a SO, in my opinion. I never ever do it and I hate when people do it to me. Do things that put you around people like you. The same people repeatedly. Take classes, join clubs, join a sports league, etc. Eventually you'll all know each other. Maybe they won't turn into your best friend or your lover but they'll all know people. Maybe you'll be at a party and meet someone. Maybe you'll all get drinks after and "oh my coworker wants join us" and they'll be great. Just expand your social circle. I took 4 improv classes that expanded my social circle by like hundreds. Found some great friends and the love of my life out of it. I only met her after 2 years of doing it, and by being involved in the podcast network at the improv school. Just do a bunch of stuff. You'll meet people.
    — typewritermender

  6. Join a rec sports league. Kickball, frisbee, softball, whatever. Usually there's a good amount of people that don't care about winning too much, they just want to have a few drinks and make friends.
    — bkay16

  7. Volunteer. Also, church/synagogue/mosque/temple. If you aren't religious, try the Unitarians.
    — TenaciousFeces

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