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What Reddit meme really needs to just hurry up and die?

  1. "Story time" is usually followed by a boring, semi-relevant story.
    — BrofessorDingus

  2. can confirm
    — m55112

  3. thanks for the gold kind stranger, not me but -, throwaway because -, rip my inbox, edit: i cant believe my top comment is about penises
    — dmgll

  4. This guy _insert something he does here_.
    — Givzhay329

  5. This. Because I came here to say this, logging in just to upvote this. I know this will never be seen but I found this gem that will be downvoted to hell/buried but I have an upvote for you, good sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar, you magnificent bastard. Someone give this man Reddit Gold because, Ann Frankly, I did Nazi that coming. That escalated quickly, so to the top with you, because I lost it at this post, because this is why we can't have nice things. In other words, faith in humanity restored, whoa / mind = blown. Also, many tears were shed cutting dusty onions because I know that feel bro. It hit right in the feels while being a risky click. Yep, nailed it because of you. I like you. I regret that I only have one upvote to give, because they cost around tree fiddy. But I was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as this post is tagged? What did I just read? Dafaq? How is this WTF? Seriously, YOU HAD ONE JOB. And because of this, I can't fap to this. It's totally not my cakeday, so whatever you're doing, stahp. For science. Okay, that's enough internet for me today. -2/10 would not bang or even hug. Really, what is this I don't even... /r/circlejerk[1] must be leaking. Better lawyer up, delete my Facebook, and hit the gym... Said no one ever. I do have the weirdest boner right now, though. I laughed much harder than I should have. But, get ready for this. Plot twist: Step one: be attractive. Step two: don't be unattractive. Can confirm, I am attractive. Speaking of attractive, is your wife single? Bacon. Edit: wow I can't believe my top comment is about potentially being on the front page, even though it wasn't my first post. Thanks guys! Obligatory front page edit is over.
    — PussyWhistle

  6. "Make eye contact to assert dominance". "Pee on it to assert dominance". Do anything to assert dominance.
    — Mooperboops

  7. Thanking Kind Strangers for gold. Help.
    — ArchiveSQ

  8. Cumbox. They're never funny, just really shoehorned "cumbox haha!" posts.
    — SleeplessShitposter

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