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What's the most fucked up thing you've experienced at a NYE party?

  1. My brother ate an entire tray of Oreos by himself, and later that night, he was vomiting pure black. My other brother walked in on that while half asleep, and thought he was having a nightmare.
    — RainyDayNinja

  2. Y2K. Right as everyone was transitioning from the "1" of the countdown to "happy new year" my buddy flipped the main breaker to the house. Panic did ensue.
    — letitbeirie

  3. Absolutely naked guy came walking in to the bar and sat at the bar like nothing odd about it. This is a neighborhood bar, but it's a little famous, a lot of famous actors and such pass through because it's been in a lot of movies and always has good music. So mostly people are ignoring the guy or whatever just sort of wondering when the cops will show up but I'm outside looking in because I was enjoying the air over the levee. Big crowd, nobody else being naked and not too drunk yet. But the bartender won't turn around and even look at the guy, she's just been standing at the bar facing the mirror the whole time acting like she's polishing a glass and the place is basically full but she won't even address him. Eventually she starts sobbing and someone says something to the naked guy and it gets a little confrontational and a couple of the bigger guys help him make up his mind to leave but he's not apologetic at all and it turns out he was the bartender's father and he found out she'd done a porno film or something similar. And he was trying to make a POINT. Yeah he's on a list now. Not that it matters, everybody for three towns knows who he is after that shit. Unfortunately the bar tender couldn't hold it together the rest of the night and that's how we found out the whole thing.
    — DeucesCracked

  4. Friends wife slipped off the back of our hot tub and got wedged between the hot tub and the house. Almost had to call the fire department to get her out - she was so embarrassed she tore her ACL in an attempt to get herself out. Alcohol was a factor.
    — Foleymatt

  5. Back in 1999 I went to a house party in Edinburgh. The flat was above the Grassmarket and if you climbed onto the roof you could see all the NYE party below. To get onto the roof you had to climb some spiky railings. Coming down one girl slipped and a spike entered her chest nearly piercing her lung and heart. As I climbed down I also slipped and impaled my foot.
    — takesthebiscuit

  6. Party at my house. At midnight, a girl threw herself at her husband for a kiss so hard she put his ass through my wall. They were both too drunk to notice at the time, but when I saw it later and started asking who the hell put an ass-shaped hole in my wall, and she was picking weird pieces of drywall off the back of her husband's sweater, she put it together. They were mortally embarrassed. He came over the next day and patched it good as new.
    — ratbastid

  7. Came down with a case of norovirus. At first I thought I just drank too much, vomiting. Then the other end started to rumble, and I knew I was in trouble. It last for 2 full days, worst time ever.
    — Virus64

  8. About 10 years ago I went to a club with a large group of friends for their NYE party. Everything seemed to be going alright until a couple of my friends tracked me down and said "There's something wrong with Jimmy! I think he needs your help." Jimmy (name changed) was - and still is - my best friend since we were in Grade 2. I was taken to the area where he was and Jimmy was completely out of it. He couldn't function at all, was complaining about chest pains, slurring his words and basically every other symptom that you would mentally check off before you call an ambulance. Thinking that this is just some sort of alcohol poisoning I tell everyone that we need to get him to a hospital and that I'm calling 911. "No. Don't do that!," someone in the group says. I look at them like they're crazy and I'm starting to realize that this might be more than alcohol poisoning. "We all took E and he said it wasn't working so we gave him some more. We don't want to get in trouble." It ends up that these morons let a drunk guy take 3 pills in succession because Jimmy said he couldn't feel anything. Now that an overdose is a potential I definitely call 911. The ambulance comes and takes Jimmy away. A few of us (including some of the people that didn't want an ambulance called) head to the hospital. By the time we get there they already have Jimmy strapped down because he's shaking and it appears he's trying to bite his tongue off. A doctor comes and asks us for more information. I tell them everything I know. They say that Jimmy will be alright but maybe it would be a good idea to let his family know (this felt like a 'time for you jerks to grow up and accept responsibility' kind of move from the doctor). I agreed and said we would. The friends all say that they can't be there because they know they will get shredded by the father, who is a very passionate, relatively old-school Italian man and they bail. I make the call. "We'll be right there," the groggy, confused voice on the other line says. I'm alone and sitting in a hospital waiting room watching Ryan Seacrest ring in the New Year on a shitty tv hanging in the corner, waiting for what I know will be an epic verbal evisceration from the Italian father. "What are you here for?," a drunk native man says to me from across the room. I tell him that my friend isn't feeling well and try to curb the conversation as quickly as possible. "My bitch sister broke my arm," the man slurs as he lifts his limp, swollen arm up for me to see. "I dropped her heroin so she hit me with her fake arm." He says this with an almost proud laugh and continues to mumble about it. I get up to walk around a little but before I can get very far the entrance doors slide open and there are Jimmy's mom and dad. The dad storms up to me and starts demanding answers. He wants to know where his son is. He wants to know how long he had been doing drugs. He wants to know why I didn't try to stop him. I really have no choice but to take it. His wife looks at me sympathetically and tries to calm him down. The nurse takes the parents to their son's room and I am alone again. About 20 minutes go by and the mom comes out and says that everything should be okay and that they're going to stay with Jimmy a little longer and she apologized for how it all went down. I head home and fall asleep. Later in the morning Jimmy calls and apologizes for the situation he put me in and says that his dad wanted to apologize as well. He still has no idea how the other friends really left him out to dry multiple times that night. tl;dr: best friend overdoses on E that friends gave him. Friends tell me not to call ambulance. I call ambulance. Friends tell me not to call parents. I call parents. Have an enlightening conversation with drunk man who's sister broke his arm with a prosthetic appendage over spilled heroin. Best friend's dad verbally destroys me because I'm the only person there to take the fall. Best friend apologizes next day. Still best friends.
    — kpf

  9. Easily my (ex) gf and her friend getting into a fist fight after the friend called my ex an alcoholic. We were 16.
    — SevenSirens

  10. A girl I barely knew getting abandoned at my friends house because her friends didn't want to deal with her. I've had it happen multiple times in my life where I end up taking care of random people but this girl went on the roof with her friends then got so hammered that she couldn't get down without help and they decided it wasn't their problem and left her. After getting her down, I spent the night holding her hair in the bathroom and making sure she made it through the night which didn't bother me too much because someone had to do it and we all know how awful it can be to go through that sort of thing. What broke my heart was her laying next to the toilet begging me not to leave her like everybody else. I miss College but looking back it's frustrating how many friendships were nothing more than "I'm here for you but only as long as I'm having fun"
    — Sparkyfrosh

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