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What's your best passive aggressive "compliment"?

  1. “At least you tried...” in a soft voice.
    — SouthSouthLondon

  2. I admire your confidence.
    — mouth_full_of_weenie

  3. My mother had been complaining about the fact that she didn't have any recent pictures of me a couple of years ago, so I finally gave in and got her one. It was me at a wedding where I'd really put the effort in -- dress, makeup, heels, the whole business -- and she took one look at it, took a look back up at me and said, 'Oh, what a lovely frame!' Thanks, Mum. I couldn't even be mad at her. It was just *savage*.
    — Portarossa

  4. “I love how you just wear anything”
    — PopeliusJones

  5. You look great for (insert almost anything here such as "someone who just had a baby").
    — likelysmarterthanyou

  6. You did a lot better than any of us thought you would!
    — Spire-hawk

  7. I don't care what other people say about you, I think you are alright
    — linkrules2

  8. A guy asked me how old I thought he was: "25 to 40, depending on the light." I thought he was late 30's. He was 25.
    — ThatDandyFox

  9. I really like you, you remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
    — Drews232

  10. When you wear a bikini and people call you "brave".
    — CockFondler

  11. “Wow! You’re a morning person? That’s sooo funny. Usually when I think of morning people I think of people who are suuuper successful.”
    — Conceptizual

  12. You worked really hard to get that done, didn’t you? I mean I say this like 100 times a day to my 4yo students but if I said it to an adult I feel like that would be pretty rude lol
    — SchoolOfTheWolf93

  13. Well aren't you right at the top of the bell curve!
    — xandrenia

  14. A famous musician from Texas (Johnny Gimble, played fiddle with Bob Wills, Willie, George Strait, all the greats) had a bunch of good ones that are still being used between us musicians today. "I like what you tried to play there." "It was a pressure playing against you!" I wish I could think of more but they were all funny. RIP Johnny
    — SuperGuitar

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