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[NSFW] What is the strangest thing you've walked in on someone doing?

  1. Caught a former friend and his sister having sex on their couch. They had a basement living room with an outside door, we were going to play dance dance revolution, I was bringing my pad over. I texted him, he responded, he knew I was on my way over and it was only a five minute drive. So, not only did he bang his sister, he also had piss poor planning ability.
    — frystofer

  2. my friend's mom jerking off her much younger boyfriend. they were in the kitchen and had their backs to me and my friend, but her arm position and movement were obvious. i didn't say anything about it to my friend and he seemed to be not bothered by it, or maybe used to it or maybe to embarrassed to talk.
    — dijitaq

  3. Worked as a waiter in college. It was the late 80s. The third floor of our place was tiny, held four tables. Normally, for lunch we weren’t busy enough to put people up there. Had a couple come in and request a table on the third floor. When I brought the drinks, he told me to take my time coming back because his date had to run to the store for smokes. I come back about ten minutes later and she is gone. This guy had a cell phone and it was the first one I had ever seen. I asked him about it and we talked for a few minutes about how it worked. He showed it to me and let me call my roommates so I could see how it sounded. I thanked him for showing it to me and went back downstairs. When I walked downstairs and my eyes got level with the floor, I glanced over at his table and I could see her shoes and knees underneath the tablecloth. He was in mid blowjob while calmly and patiently explaining to me how cell phones work.
    — UberToonces

  4. Was sitting on the couch when my sister came downstairs. She must not have noticed me since I was originally working that day. While she was waiting for something to heat up in the microwave she just kept turning in circles in the same spot. She did this for about ten minutes. Got her food out of the microwave, and immediately threw it away and went back upstairs. I’ve never mentioned to her that I saw this and I have no idea what the hell she was doing Another time I walked into the guest room upstairs and found my dad lying underneath the bed sleeping. He was still breathing so I just left him there Edit: I should add my sister was 22 when this happened Double Edit: You guys wanted me to ask my family what was up and I did, so here are the answers Dad: (while he doesn’t remember the actual incident to a T) had a headache and was trying to get rid of it. Under the bed was dark and lying on his back helps him Sister: She doesn’t remember, but her explanation is that she likely was using her phone and just spinning so her body was doing something. As for the food, she doesn’t remember what it was SHE DOES NOT HAVE AN EATING DISORDER. It was just a brain fart on her part or something I don't know. But she does not have, or has she ever, had an eating disorder This was a couple years ago.
    — JendayaMedoh

  5. not really a strange thing i walked in to but i just remembered this. i think 10 years ago i went to a public bathroom and saw my father washing his hands, he saw me and pointed to the middle stall implying that the stall was empty. When i entered the stall i saw an old asian man peeing and looking shocked. And i heard my dad laughing in the background
    — mpronk

  6. I've posted this story several times, but here goes: I used to substitute teach after I graduated from college. I was a music major, so the band and choir directors would usually put me on the top of the list when they took a day off since I would force the kids to sing/play their instruments. One day, I get called in to teach a high school band class. When I show up, I'm left with a note telling me to break the kids up by their sections to work on parts individually. So, I'm sitting in an office browsing youtube and listening to a miasma of noises from woodwinds, brass, strings, etc. NO DRUMMING whatsoever. And for you non-musical folk out there, drummers never stop drumming unless something fucky is going on. So, I go into our drum storage room where they were supposed to be playing and discover the token girl drummer showing her breasts to the boys in exchange for cash.
    — Chingparr

  7. Walked in on friends little brother as he was putting some of his mum's concealer powder on his ass before school. He said his bum was too red and it made him look like a baboon. He was around 8 or 9. What I really don't understand is why he was getting his ass out at school.
    — J-rizzler

  8. My brother and I arranged to meet another friend at his house and duly arrived their at the stated time. We knocked the door and there is no response, but he 100% wanted us to come round, and we'd walked the best part of 2 miles to get to his house. This was pre-mobile phones so we couldn't ring him, so we looked in the windows. There he was, yo-yo around his cock, dancing to music.
    — cat666

  9. Lady at work held someone else's baby while she ran off to do something. Something that should only take a minute or 2. I go into my office and wake up the computer, for some reason it automatically maximizes the security camera feed. I see the lady holding the baby. Just plops out her boob and tries to breastfeed the baby, then I guess a second later realizes it's not hers and tucks everything away.
    — notyetcomitteds2

  10. A few years ago, I saw a 7ish boy fighting with nobody in the park. It was more strange because he was cupping his pelvic region with one of his hands, and simultaneously punching in the air with the other hand. I asked him who he was fighting with. He didn't reply. I thought "Maybe he's feeling an urge to pee or something". So, I left him and started reading my book, sitting on a chair nearby. After a while he came to me and asked for a few tips to kill his uncle. I reported this to his parents. Turned out, he was being sexually abused by his uncle.
    — newsensequeen

  11. A friend of mine was picking his nose when i walked in, then he proceed to put it back in for some reason.
    — Wowzeeer

  12. Maybe 8 or so years ago, my boyfriend and I stayed at a hotel in Dallas. It was a nice hotel - courtyard with pool and hot tub. I couldn’t wait to hang out in the hot tub after the long drive. We looked out the window to see if it was occupied and saw 5 or 6 middle aged guys doing a genuine circle jerk. Decided to skip the hot tub.
    — zemorah

  13. I went to take a piss in a mall's guy's room. There were two guys, fully clothed, laying on the grimey floor playing chess with a full size chess set. They had to have been there for a while it was pretty far into the game. Edit: grammar
    — SkylerdSword

  14. Walked in on my Nan sitting up in bed miming to herself. "Miming" for lack of a better word. She was lifting invisible lids off jars and chucking stuff into invisible bowls and stirring shit. She was enjoying herself you could tell but it was a bizarre sight. "What are doing nan?!" I was pretty horrified. "Cooking," she said simply. First major sign of dementia. A year later she barely knew who I was.
    — HiMyNameIsLaura

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