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Why did you join Reddit?

  1. My nieces give me periodic pop culture assignments to prevent me from becoming an uniformed old fart. Reddit was one of them. I liked it, and I liked Gangham Style and Uptown Funk.
    — picksandchooses

  2. I changed accounts out of embarrassment, but I had a first account. Last year, I was in a really bad place. Well one day, I was coked up pretty good and noticed I had lost some vision in one eye. It was gradual over a couple days but I went from perfect vision to losing about 80% in one eye. I didn't know what to do. I refused to the hospital and the coke just made me panic. In a last ditch effort, before I just gave up and ignored the issue, I got on r/drugs and asked for advice on the issue. They were incredibly nice and supportive and convinced me to go to the hospital. Turns out I had a lesion on my optic nerve and three brain lesions. Then they found spinal lesions in my lumbar. Turns out I had MS and needed immediate attention and to the doctors surprise only 23. I haven't done drugs since. My MS isn't completely controlled yet but at least we are trying. So thanks Reddit.
    — Kat4513

  3. It’s internet crack
    — offbrandsoap

  4. Got tired of hearing how racist some of my facebook friends were and tired of seeing people posting about what their kids do, like it's their achievement. Figured if I was going to get pissed at someone, might as well be a stranger.
    — iforgetredditpsswrds

  5. I just made an account so I could upvote /r/askreddit comments that made me laugh. Six years and 80,000 karma later...
    — GooGooGajoob67

  6. I like wasting time.
    — StrangeTip

  7. For fake internet points
    — garprice05

  8. Reddit is one of the few internet spaces that gives me hope for humanity. So much knowledge from the hive shared here. Except when they get it wrong.
    — ridingtimesarrow

  9. Best friend told me I’d love it. I quickly became severely addicted
    — icecreampopncereal

  10. Digg v4
    — AlkalineDuck

  11. Was deployed, most porn blocked. Not the thumb nails on Reddit though. Made an account and....
    — SausageDeliveryBoy

  12. I lost a bunch of weight and my friend posted my before and after photos which made it to the front page.
    — Cyclops2015

  13. To combat boredom and loneliess? Pretty much the same reason I'm still here.
    — I_was_serious

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