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What do movies and TV shows get completely wrong over and over again?

  1. Everytime there is a microphone in a scene, there is always feedback right as someone steps up to it.
    — DethFiesta

  2. How often people hang out with other people/friends. Watching shows like Seinfeld and Friends makes me feel like a fucking loser if I only see my friends once or twice a week, since their close knit group is constantly together or hanging out. Especially just midday during a work week. Like nope I don't have a 3 hour lunch break.
    — spivey56

  3. Gun Sounds...Need to shoot the bad guy a couple times in this confined space with no hearing protection? Not a problem go right on a head guns aren't that loud anyways. Oh and also the amount of times someone cocks a gun/cocks a gun that can't even be cocked.

  4. What people look like when they wake up first thing in the morning.
    — Too_afraid_to_ask

  5. That high schools don’t just let students hang out in the halls all day lol
    — missmarissaaa

  6. How computers work, and in particular, how "hacking" works.
    — ExFavillaSurgo

  7. I read that (15 years ago) the average income for families portrayed on sitcoms is over $300,000/year, based on their cars, vacations, eating out, wardrobe, etc. it's an absurd standard that too many people think they should live up to. it makes us feel inadequate for not being so successful. oh, and tires squealing on gravel roads (I'm looking at you Dukes of Hazzard)
    — JustinChase

  8. College dorms are usually way smaller than what’s shown in films or on TV shows.
    — VictorBlimpmuscle

  9. Zoom and enhance technobabble
    — FM-101

  10. The effect of a silencer on gunshot noise
    — Canadian_propaganda

  11. Child birth and taking care of children. Oh mom just had a baby has a babysitter all the time so they can hang out with their friends.
    — quinky

  12. No, the highschool bully doesn't always end up being a fat balding loser who stayed in town after graduation. Some of them reform. Some of them succeed in life but are still assholes.
    — derpderp37

  13. When the hero blasts his buddy in the back of the head, knocking him out to save him or prevent him from doing something dumb. Your buddy is now dead or bleeding internally.
    — MontanaSD

  14. not putting liquid in cups. Drives me absolutely mental. Even big budget movies refuse to put liquid in cups. I don't get it. The actors wave the cups around all over the place and nothing spills, looks so ridiculous. Just put some friggen water in there. If they spill, big deal, it's water. At least the weight of the cup would be right. If I see 1 more empty cup on tv...well then i am just gonna snap.
    — jetsdude

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