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What is something that you and your SO will never agree upon?

  1. How to load the dishwasher.
    — getalonglittledog

  2. Our children's nicknames. Both of our daughters have long names that have more than one nickname. Think, Elizabeth. Wife would call her, Beth. I'd call her Liz. That sort of thing. The cross looks and passive aggressive corrections are constant. They get even more constant when around family, as different family members on both side are usually in one camp or another. It's all in good humor. No bad feelings. The eldest has decided to go with the nickname my Wife preferred. I conceded and she gloated, but I'm digging my heels in on the younger one. I've also got a much larger fan base for this one's nickname. I'm gonna win this fucking round.
    — openletter8

  3. She's never on time for anything and I am pretty much the most punctual person ever. She says I'm uptight, I think she's being disrespectful. It's really the only thing that sets us both in a rage.
    — tonyrockihara

  4. My wife uses a theoretical zombie outbreak in the high school STAT class she teaches to show disease vectors and infection rates. One night while recapping that day’s class she called the infected humans in “28 Days Later” zombies. I told her that they were still alive and didn’t count as zombies, which I defined as “dead bodies which have reanimated with at least a minimum of basic motor function.” To me, they’re humans infected with a virus (literally called the “Rage Virus”) and that doesn’t make them zombies. Cue a THREE hour fight about “zombies vs. infected” that ended up with me sleeping in the basement just because I wanted AWAY from the argument. That’s what the entire argument was about. Zombies and zombie movies and the definition of “zombie” vs “infected.” The next day, we ended up pulling other friends into the argument because she refused to let it go and damn it, for ONCE I was going to be 100% right in an argument and not “agree to disagree” because "Dawn of the Dead" and "28 Days Later" are two of my favorite horror movies and I KNOW the difference between the hordes in those movies. Nearly two days of going back and forth with evidence and proof and “I read this” and “I have this book/article.” We pulled out “The Serpent and the Rainbow,” “The Crazies,” “Cell,” even “Warning Sign” and “City of the Living Dead” in the course of our argument. No tangents, no segues, no “we’re fighting about this because I really want to fight about THIS” moments. Two straight fucking days of “zombies vs. infected.” On one hand, the fact that she’s this passionate over such a petty topic is one of the reasons I love her because when she gets her hooks in something and won’t let it go it’s kind of hot. We’ve had shorter fights over money, our respective in-laws, how to raise our stepdaughter, even Hillary vs. Trump. But this? We STILL snipe and grouse about it to this day because for some reason, this is the hill we’ve both chosen to die on. Edit - Whoa. My first Reddit gold! Hope it’s infectious...
    — CobiWann

  5. Having a fan constantly running as we sleep. I hate it but he can’t sleep without one. I now wear earplugs.
    — bitchyoutriedit

  6. Cilantro. Last time I bought some while she was away for a few days, she managed to find it in the fridge (and throw it away) within 15 minutes of coming home. Edit: Since that last part lacks context, I'll just say that I found it hilarious, and we've joked about it since. I wasn't planning on using it again since we cook all of our meals together, and she knew that.
    — Shadic

  7. Always tells me when she needs to pee. At home, in work. If she goes home to Poland, she'll text me. I tell her she doesn't have to but she insists.
    — stignorio48

  8. Kitchen knife protocol. Like which knife to use for what, how to properly use a serrated knife, knife cleaning and preparation, even general chopping. Watching her use a knife makes me super uncomfortable very often and she doesn't want to change.
    — deathtastic

  9. A boy's name. God I hope it's a girl.
    — youhavechosen

  10. How to handle meat. I was taught that you should always wash your hands after handling raw meat, and that raw meat can pick up germs from the surfaces it touches so it should always be put on a clean cutting board or pan. He was not. He’s touched half the things in our kitchen with “meat fingers”, or wipes his gross meat-juice-covered hands on his pants and shirt, and he’s put unpackaged raw meat into the bottom of the sink to thaw, as if the sink isn’t full of germs from washing dishes and hands. Most things he does in the kitchen make my nerves go crazy so I try to avoid being in the kitchen with him, which sucks because I really want to cook together. It’s infuriating. Edit: spelling. Edit: I told him about this post and the general consensus that he should be washing his hands and such, and his response was that I should take it down, which I’m not doing. Partially because I like the fact that I’m right, but also because there might be people who do the same thing and need to hear the responses I’ve been getting. I appreciate you guys and your concern!
    — fabulouskayjoy

  11. Salting our food. I like a little bit of salt. She likes none
    — wigdom

  12. The ketchup going in the fridge after its been opened.
    — mini_nugget

  13. That you don’t need to use multiple dryer sheets when doing laundry... just put one in there... not 7
    — hoologan

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