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What is surprisingly NOT scientifically proven?

  1. I read a fascinating book a couple of years ago about trying to understanding the purpose of crying - why we do it, what function it serves to the body's systems, etc. Apparently we know that different kind of tears (to remove something from your eye, or from laughing or from crying) have different chemical make-ups, but not why we generate those different kind of tears in the first place.
    — OctopusShmoctopus

  2. We have no idea what causes between 8% and 30% of people to grind their teeth while they sleep (bruxism). Doctor’s can only treat the symptoms with mouth guards or muscle relaxers but there is no cure.
    — ersatzviolin2

  3. Saw a commercial over the weekend. It specifically used the words "scientifically researched", so I'm going with that.
    — Keinichn

  4. How general anesthesia works. Doctors have been using general anaesthetic for most major surgeries for the last 200 years. It's revolutionized modern surgery and yet we only have some vague theories as to the mechanism of action. Shit's basically fairy dust we inject into people.
    — ResitutorOrbis

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